The Government of Tanzania and the World Bank have signed two agreements worth a total of US$ 104 million, equivalent to approximately TZS 248 billion, to support the PAMOJA Gender Equality Enhancement Project. The agreements include a US$ 4 million grant and a US$ 100 million concessional loan...
World BankWorld Bank. (2011). Gender Equality: the Right and Smart Thing to Do. World Bank Report, Press Release, Retrieved on Feb 26, 2013 from STRIAEXTN/0,,contentMDK:23003001~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:38 ...
The World Bank’s Africa Gender Innovation Lab (GIL) is hiring three GIL Fellows from Sub-Saharan Africa. The Lab conducts rigorous impact evaluations of development interventions to generate evidence on how to close gender gaps in productivity, earnings, and assets. The GIL Fellowship Program aims...
Paying particular attention to how gender matters in and to contemporary global governance, the author focuses in particular on the development discourse of the World Bank. Similar content being viewed by others Gender Equality Norms in International Governance: Actors, Contexts, Meanings Chapter ©...
Gender equality and economic growth in the World Bank world development report 2006. Feminist Economics, 15(3), 35-59.Elson, Diane. 2006. "Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006." Feminist Economics 15 (3): 35-59....
The World Bank Group Gender Action Plan was created to advance women's economic empowerment and promote shared growth.【参考译文】促进性别平等:妇女在劳动力市场的地位正在缓慢转变,但全世界有60%以上的妇女是从事有贡献但无报酬的家务劳动者,这一比例远高于男性。世界银行集团制定了性别平等行动计划,以推动...
An Evaluation of World Bank and International Finance Corporation Engagement of Gender Equality over the Past 10 Years 综合2024-11-07世界银行我***AI智能总结查看更多 世界银行和国际金融公司过去十年在性别平等领域的参与评估 摘要 本报告旨在评估世界银行集团(包括国际金融公司)在过去十年间在推进性别平等方面的...
Georgian Stock Exchange rings the bell for gender equality Emerging Europe Staff The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, the Georgian Stock Exchange and UN Women have joined an initiative, Ring the Bell for... ...
Through stories of "small changes" in women's lives, such as "the first time having the priority to get a loan," "the first time having their own seal and bank card," and "the first time buying lipstick with their own earned money," she showcased the "big revolution" in realizing ...
GENDERanalysis KNOWLEDGE | news Who’s poor? New estimates led to halving of World Bank’s poverty numbers A May World Bank-led statistical operation has used a new method to estimate purchasing power parities, allowing it to more than halve the estimated number of people living on...