World Bank. (2011). Gender Equality: the Right and Smart Thing to Do. World Bank Report, Press Release, Retrieved on Feb 26, 2013 from STRIAEXTN/0,,contentMDK:23003001~pagePK:1497618~piPK:217854~theSitePK:38 7854,00....
Gender equality and economic growth in the World Bank's World Development Report 2006. Feminist Economics, vol. 15, No. 3.Elson, D. (2009). `Gender Equality and Economic Growth in the World Bank World Development Report 2006', Feminist Economics, 15(3): 35-59...
Gender Equality as Smart Economics: A World Bank Group Gender Action Plan (Fiscal Years 2007-10) World Bank (2011) World Development Report 2012: Gender Equality and Development. Washington, DC: World Bank.World Bank (2006). Gender equality as smart... W Bank - 《Working Papers》 被引量:...
Varnum, M. E. & Grossmann, I. Pathogen prevalence is associated with cultural changes in gender equality.Nat. Hum. Behav.1, 0003 (2016). Article
The article lists the top 50 richest countries by GDP per capita in 2023. The rankings are based on data from the IMF and World Bank. The list’s leader is Ireland, with a GDP per capita of $145.2 thousand. Wealthy countries have diverse sources of income. Some, like Qatar and the Un...
and the World Bank’s release of its annual WDI report often catches the eyes of policy makers and journalists. The annual WDI report is released in April of each year, while the online database is updated three times a year. The WDI is divided into six segments: World View, People, En...
In 2015, the United Nations Member States developed a collective blueprint for sustainability and development. The 2030 Plan includes the 17 UN-SDGs, which
national performance metrics from organisations such as the UN and World Bank. Prospective students tell us that it’s not enough, for example, for a university to have a policy on gender equality if the country where the university is located provides no legal protection for women or ...
Overall, the respondents described the donors as believing in long-term investment and viewing reforms as an evolutionary process, and this insistence took effect. Respondents noted that despite initial dissatisfaction with a report supported by the Bank criticizing the country’s health financing system...
TheWorld Bank’s Groundswell reportprojects that climate change-related disasters, such as floods and droughts, could cause up to 216 million people to move within or out of their countries by 2050. Pakistan’s floods this year awakened us to the realities of this, displacing millions of p...