Nandalal Weerasinghe on Sri Lanka’s IMF programme, central bank reforms and road to recovery ByChristopher Jeffery Economics The past and future of BIS economics ByDaniel Hinge Banknotes Portraits on banknotes: a study of the gender gap
World Bank’s Gender Data Portal Data Sources/gender,World Bank In an effort to make gender inequalities more obvious, World Bank updated their… An atlas for the world’s development indicators Statistical Visualization/atlas,development,scrollytelling,World Bank ...
Access to electricity (% of the population) - Access to electricity is the percentage of the population with access to electricity. Electrification data are collected from industry, national surveys, and international sources. CPIA gender equality rating (1=low to 6=high) - Gender equality assesses...
Gender Statistics 2022 - World BankGender Statistics Data 2022 by World BankData CardCode (0)Discussion (0)Suggestions (0)Discussions notifications_activeFollowingarrow_drop_downaddNew Topic search filter_listFilters All No discussions found
World stats can be explored for the following World Bank data sources: Africa Development Indicators Doing Business Education Statistics Enterprise Surveys Global Development Finance Gender Statistics Global Economic Monitor Global Economic Monitor (GEM) Commodities ...
The study is based on the World Bank’s Enterprises Survey of Micro Firms (ESM) 2022 data of 998 micro-enterprises. The variables that measure access and use of digital finance are extracted from the data. Two sets of independent variables, namely digital resource capability and firms and ...
Free Statistics Based on your interests Starter Account For single users $149 USD per month, billed annually1 Buy now The statistic on this page is aPremium Statisticand isincluded in this account. Professional Account $1,299 USD per month, billed annually1 ...
Statistics JP Group's total assets FY 2014-2023 CJ CheilJedang's number of employees 2015-2022, by gender Revenue of JG Summit Holdings Inc. Philippines FY 2019-FY 2023 JP Holdings' total assets FY 2014-2023 Gross income of JG Summit Holdings Inc. Philippines FY2015-FY2021 Canadian retail ...
lang=en&segment=indicator&id=SDG_0111_SEX_AGE_RT_A. World Bank data can be downloaded from: GPW v4 population data71are available at: The data generated in this study (average diurnal cycles of sWBGT,...
This article explores how pastoral care is performed in an age of climate change. University students suffer from a wide range of stresses, reducing their well-being. Climate change compounds these stress reactions, even where students are not directly a