针对你遇到的KeyError: 'worksheet sheet does not exist.'问题,以下是一些详细的解答和建议: 1. 确认错误来源 首先,需要定位引发KeyError的代码段。通常,这个错误会在你尝试访问一个不存在的工作表时抛出。假设你使用的是Python的openpyxl库来操作Excel文件,错误的代码可能类似于以下形式: python wb = openpyxl.load...
If Not SheetExists("工作表名") ThenMsgBox "工作表名 不存在!" ElseSheets("工作表名").Activate End IfEnd Sub'- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -Function SheetExists(SheetName As String) As Boolean SheetExists = False On Error GoTo NoSuchSheet If Len(Sheets(SheetName)....
If Not SheetExists("<工作表名>") Then MsgBox "<工作表名> 不存在!" Else Sheets("<工作表名>").Activate End If End Sub - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Function SheetExists(SheetName As String) As Boolean SheetExists = False On Error GoTo NoSuchSheet If Len(Shee...
The name of the worksheet is specified by the mySheetName variable. If the worksheet does not exist, this example shows how to create a worksheet named "Sheet4" by using the Add method of the Worksheets object.VB Copy Sub TestSheetCreate() Dim mySheetName As String, mySheetNameTest As...
getName() The display name of the worksheet. The name must be fewer than 32 characters. getNamedItem(name) Gets a NamedItem object using its name. If the object does not exist, then this method returns undefined. getNamedSheetView(key) Gets a sheet view using its name. If the sheet view...
An Excel worksheet is a grid of cells. It can contain data, tables, charts, etc. To learn more about the worksheet object model, read Work with worksheets using the Excel JavaScript API.
Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets("sheet2") MsgBox "在当前工作簿中添加3个工作表" Worksheets.Add Count:=3 End Sub 示例说明:Add方法带有4个可选的参数,其中参数Before和参数After指定所增加的工作表的位置,但两个参数只能选一;参数Count用来指定增加的工作表数目。
Name Gets or sets the name of the worksheet. Names Gets a Names collection that represents all the worksheet-specific names (names defined with the "WorksheetName!" prefix). Next Gets a Worksheet that represents the next sheet. Outline Gets an Outline that represents the outline for the work...
In document-level projects, you typically do not use Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.Worksheet object directly. Instead, use the Sheetn classes to programmatically access the worksheets in your project. Each Sheetn class derives most of its members from the Microsoft.Office.Tools.Excel.WorksheetBase ...