针对你提出的“system.invalidoperationexception: a worksheet with this name already exists”异常问题,以下是根据你的提示给出的详细分析和解决方案: 1. 确认错误信息来源 这个异常通常发生在使用如NPOI、ClosedXML、EPPlus等.NET库处理Excel文件时。这些库不允许在同一个工作簿中创建或重命名多个具有相同名称的工作...
A sheet is named like a sheet that already exists. If you want to find out which sheet names have already been assigned in the folder, you can right click on the arrows next to the sheet registers (all sheet names are displayed in a list) this has been the case for many vers...
addNamedSheetView(name: string): NamedSheetView; Parameters name string The name of the sheet view to be created. Throws an error when the provided name already exists, is empty, or is a name reserved by the worksheet. Returns ExcelScript.NamedSheetView add...
InsertColInsert an empty column in the worksheet with the given name and store the name in a string. If the given name already exists then increment it. The actual name created is returned by referenceExamples InsertRowInsert row in the worksheetExamples ...
Name + ".pdf" 'Check if file already exist If Len(Dir(xFolder)) > 0 Then xYesorNo = MsgBox(xFolder & " already exists." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Do you want to overwrite it?", _ vbYesNo + vbQuestion, "File Exists") On Error Resume Next If xYesorNo = vbYes Then Kill x...
Insert an empty column in the worksheet with the given name and store the name in a string. If the given name already exists then increment it. The actual name created is returned by reference Syntax BOOLInsertCol(intnPos, LPCSTR lpcszColName, string&strColNameCreated,BOOLbUndo=FALSE) ...
WorksheetExists=TrueExit FunctionbWorksheetExistsErr: WorksheetExists=FalseEnd Function 代码清单7.3:使用函数检查代码名称的存在性 'determines if a given worksheet name exists in a workbook'checks by looking for the code name rather than the nameFunctionWorksheetCodenameExists(wbAsWorkbook, sCodenameAsStrin...
The sheet name may already exist You may have illegal characters for the desired sheet name Duplicate sheet names may arise While these are able to be mitigated, the onus is on you to answer them. The below code will do what you want. It's not bulletproof. ...
On Error GoTo do_not_overwrite(This is if a duplicate file name exists. Answer NO to the Excel message "This filename already exists. Do you want to overwrite?") ActiveSheet.SaveAs Filename:="C:\YOUR DIR\" & ThisFile & ".xls" (Change YOUR DIR to the directory you want the file ...
Hello all, I am new to VBA coding and I have a big spreadsheet. I would like to cut and move an entire row to the worksheet named "Historic Sales" once I give the Value "completed" in Column ... however it doesn't seem to be working. ...