针对你遇到的KeyError: 'worksheet sheet does not exist.'问题,以下是一些详细的解答和建议: 1. 确认错误来源 首先,需要定位引发KeyError的代码段。通常,这个错误会在你尝试访问一个不存在的工作表时抛出。假设你使用的是Python的openpyxl库来操作Excel文件,错误的代码可能类似于以下形式: python wb = openpyxl.load...
MsgBox "在当前工作簿中复制工作表sheet1并将所复制的工作表放在工作表sheet2之前" Worksheets("sheet1").Copy Before:=Worksheets("sheet2") MsgBox "在当前工作簿中复制工作表sheet2并将所复制的工作表放在工作表sheet3之后" Worksheets("sheet2").Copy After:=Worksheets("sheet3")End Sub示例说明:Copy方法带...
MsgBox "在当前工作簿中复制工作表sheet1并将所复制的工作表放在工作表sheet2之前" Worksheets("sheet1").Copy Before:=Worksheets("sheet2") MsgBox "在当前工作簿中复制工作表sheet2并将所复制的工作表放在工作表sheet3之后" Worksheets("sheet2").Copy After:=Worksheets("sheet3") End Sub 示例说明:Copy方...
Programmatically Create and Add a Worksheet if it Does not Exist It is optional. In-addition, I have added a code to create the sheet if it does not exists. Even though, it is optional, I thought I’ll share this little piece of macro here as would be useful for some. ' Add a sh...
3. Why is VBA Active sheet Not Working? If you try to activate the sheet without a proper name or the worksheet that does not exist, then activate worksheet will not work. Recommended Articles This has been a guide to VBA Activate Sheet. Here we learn how to activate a worksheet using ...
Some formulas contain references to tables in other workbooks that are not currently open in this instance of Excel. These references will be converted to #REF on save to Excel 97-2003 format because they cannot be converted to sheet references. What it means: Your workbook contains some fo...
open the saved excel file and moved the lost sheet wherever you want it to be. Please sign in to rate this answer. 0 comments No comments Report a concern Sign in to comment Sign in to answer Question activity Sign in to follow questions and users Additional resources Documentatio...
Worksheets.Add after:=Worksheets("sheet2") MsgBox "在当前工作簿中添加3个工作表" Worksheets.Add Count:=3 End Sub 示例说明:Add方法带有4个可选的参数,其中参数Before和参数After指定所增加的工作表的位置,但两个参数只能选一;参数Count用来指定增加的工作表数目。
// Link to full sample: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OfficeDev/office-js-snippets/prod/samples/excel/54-worksheet/worksheet-freeze-panes.yamlawaitExcel.run(async(context) => {constsheet = context.workbook.worksheets.getItem("Sample");// Freeze the top two rows in the worksheet.sheet.fre...
If the sheet view object does not exist, then this method returns undefined. TypeScript 複製 getNamedSheetView(key: string): NamedSheetView | undefined; Parameters key string The case-sensitive name of the sheet view. Use the empty string ("") to get the temporary sheet view, if the ...