Beech B, Leather P: Workplace violence in the health sector: a review of staff training and integration of training evaluation models. Aggress Violent Beh 2006, 11: 27–43.Beech, B., Leather, P. (2006) Workplace violence in the health care sector: A review of staff training and ...
Guidelines on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector 热度: A Review and Evaluation of Workplace Violence Prevention Programs 热度: WorkplaceViolencePrevention andDomesticViolence intheWorkplace Traininggoals –DefineWorkplaceViolence(WPV)andDomestic ...
Health carehealth care workersoccupational injuryworkplace violenceThe notifications of occupational injuries and wporkplace violence were highly insufficient in health care sector. This article had been prepared as an review article by aims of to emphasize the issue and to put into agenda. The ...
workplace violence issues are addressed in a comprehensive manner by exploring types and trends of workplace violence, research on the prevalence of each type of violence, as well as by analyzing the social, occupational, and psychological impacts of workplace violence. This chapter...
Workplace violence is a major occupational hazard for healthcare workers, generating a need for effective intervention programs. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of an aggression management training program. The evaluation design was based on the internal referencing strategy,...
– In the health sector, anywhere in the world nurses are one of the most exposed groups to violence. However, it is not obvious that psychiatric nurses (PNs) are more exposed to aggression and burnout. Objectives. – To determine the nature and effects of aggressive acts towards nursing ...
Background: Workplace violence (WPV) in the health sector is a worldwide concern with healthcare workers being at high risk of being victims. This study aimed to assess the magnitude, perpetrators and place of incidence, available violence response, reporting and prevention/control mechanism WPV ...
The Joint Programme on Workplace Violence in the Health Sector defines workplace violence as: “Incidents where staff are abused, threatened or assaulted in circumstances related to their work, including commuting to and from work, involving an explicit or implicit challenge to their safety, well-...
That’s why we wanted to know how many people in the UK experience stress on a regular basis. And how much of an impact our jobs have on our stress levels. Ciphr's new (2024) research into the incidence and causes of stress (in and outside of work) found that: ...
Workplace violence in the healthcare sector has become a global issue that poses a threat to the safety and well-being of healthcare staff. This study aims to understand and analyze workplace violence experienced by public healthcare workers in Yogyakarta, Indonesia.#This is an observational anal...