Health care facilities were once thought of as "safe havens", but are now plagued with significant increases in aggression among patients, visitors, and staff. Healthcare workers suffer from a tolerance of workplace violence and the perception that their profession implies the acceptance of that ...
The article discusses violence in the workplace experienced by healthcare professionals and nurses in the U.S. It explains the reasons for the occurence of the violence. Forms of abuses, which include not only physical violence but also verbal and emotional attacks, are explained. Actions and ...
Focuses on the need for strong advocacy by nurses and nursing organizations in the United States to ensure safety in the health care workplace. Initiatives undertaken by the healthcare community to address workplace violence; Findings of the Bureau of Justice Statistics special report 'Workplace Vi...
What prevents the risk for workplace violence from becoming a reality is often the steps taken by healthcare settings and staff to prevent, prepare for, and respond to violence in the workplace. A key element of this preparation is training in workplace violence geared toward nurses and other...
people safe, and operations running. To learn how the Everbridge Critical Event Management platform is used every day in hospitals to communicate the right information at the right time to reduce the risk of events such as active shooter or workplace violence,
UNC Healthcare in NC has an innovative program to keep health care employees experiencing domestic violence to stay safe at work. It is composed of a team that gathers information about the employee's risk, calls a meeting with the employee's supervisor and employee, and makes recommendations ...
Workplace violence and safety CE course for nursing and other healthcare providers; includes dealing with bullying and harassment. Instant certificate of completion.
Health care staff are exposed to violence 16 times more often than in the other em- ployments. Generally, the people who resort to violence are males under 30 years old ,who have a low socioeconomic level, keep weapons legally or il- legally, have problems with authority and have legal ...
(R-LA) recently introduced The Workplace Violence Prevention for Health Care and Social Service Workers Act, requiring employers to write and implement workplace violence prevention plans to prevent and protect employees from violent incidents. In the meantime, are you prepared to advise ...
The importance of training nurses and other healthcare workers in recognizing and managing aggressive behavior will be emphasized. This webinar, presented by a recognized expert on workplace violence prevention, will familiarize participants with the ways by which healthcare organizations can ensure ...