The pull-up trains the lats, the rhomboids, the biceps, the forearms, and the posterior shoulders. These are done with an overhand grip. In contrast, chin-ups are done with an underhand grip.The pull-up is arguably the best exercise for the lat muscles, and it trains the rhomboids,...
Squeeze your shoulder blades together, exhale and drive your elbows towards your hips to bring your chin above the bar. Lower under control back to the start position. 5. Dumbbell Single-Arm Row Why: Another great move for your lats, the dumbbell single arm row works both sides of your ...
With help from multi-powerlifting world record holder Dr. Stefi Cohen, we break down the best hamstring exercises and workouts for performance and strength.
Step 2. Pull the handle to your collarbone, driving your elbows down and back and squeezing your lats. Control the weight on the way back up, and let it stretch your back at the top. Circuit #2 1. Elevated Single-Leg Hip Thrust Reps: 10–12 (each leg) Video Step 1. Place a benc...
Side lying slidesare great for your lats and a killer unilateral move that also hits your obliques. Just make sure you’re really pulling the towel down to power the slide up with your lats over ONLY using your obliques. And if slide lying slides are a bit too much to start, or you...
Coach’s Tip: Make sure not to let your torso lean forward, shoulders collapse forward, or elbows slide backward to the side of your body. Instead, they should stay slightly in front of your shoulders. 7. Chin-Up Equipment Needed Pull-up bar or power rack Muscles Worked Lats, biceps, ...
Hinge forward at your hips with your back flat, shoulders engaged, and palms gripping the bar facing up (reverse grip). Activate your glutes and core as you squeeze your shoulder blades together to raise the bar. The movement should come primarily from your lats and back.GearStraight bar (...
From the ground up, think: stabilize with the foot, slight bend in standing knee, square hips and shoulder, braced core, and pull back slightly on the weight to engage your lats. Exhale to stand. That's one rep. Complete 5 reps on right side, then switch legs and complete 5 reps ...
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Hinge forward at your hips with your back flat, shoulders engaged, and palms gripping the bar facing up (reverse grip). Activate your glutes and core as you squeeze your shoulder blades together to raise the bar. The movement should come primarily from your lats and back.GearStraight bar (...