Is state stimulus package working in Oregon?Justin Carinci
Brandi Fuhrman, associate vice provost and executive director of career development at Oregon State University, oversees student workers in the career development office. The office employs students as career assistants, who help with operational tasks in the career center and provide p...
Working a part-time job in college can jump-start students' careers, but they should find a balance with schoolwork.
Washington state has no medical marijuana patient registry, but the Legislature is considering following Oregon’s lead as part of a sweeping overhaul bill pending in Olympia. Patients in Washington are anxious about the proposed registry, seeing it as an invasion of privacy and a tempting tool...
Florida Court Says 16-Year-Old In State Care Is Too Immature To Choose Abortion Carol Marbin Miller Miami Herald WWR Article Summary (tl;dr) As Carol Marbin Miller reports, “Jane Doe 22-B, a 16-year-old in the care... 1.7K FINANCIAL Crypto During A Recession: Here’s What To Ex...
During the past year, Daniel Seddiqui has traveled across the country, working for a week at a time in each of the 50 states. In each state, he chose a job that was representative of the state's leading industries. Seddiqui worked as a logger in Oregon, an auto mechanic in Michigan ...
They were followed shortly thereafter by Oregon with the rollout of the SageCon Invasives Initiative. Launched in 2019 and 2021, respectively, both initiatives have already drawn in millions of dollars to help landowners reduce the threat of invasives on sagebrush rangeland. Regional partners, ...
Muller v. State of Oregon, U.S. Supreme Court case decided in 1908 that, although it appeared to promote the health and welfare of female workers, in fact led to additional protective legislation that was detrimental to equality in the workplace for year
Productivity and cost of tree felling crew with a chainsaw in Caspian forests. J. Biodivers. Environ. Sci. 2013, 3, 90–97. [Google Scholar] Garland, J.; Jackson, D. Felling and Bucking Techniques for Woodland Owners (Issue January); The Woodland Workbook; Oregon State University: ...
LAIKA Founded in Oregon in 2005 by President & CEO Travis Knight, LAIKA creates films that are born in imagination, shaped into stories, and crafted by passionate artists who give life to unforgettable characters. LAIKA’s five films: CORALINE, PARANORMAN, THE BOXTROLLS, KUBO...Read more...