California Wage & Hour Laws – What Workers Need to Know If you are employed in California, you have the legal right to compensation if your employer violates wage and hour laws. You can bring a labor board complaint, file a wage/hour lawsuit in California court, or join a wage/hour cla...
Get reliable legal help in Van Nuys for immigration or workers’ compensation cases. Hussain & Gutierrez Law Firm can guide you. Contact us for a consultation.
Good employees are the backbone of your business. When an employee gets injured or becomes ill due to a work incident, workers’ compensation insurance (also known as workers' comp insurance) can help cover a portion of their expenses and get your employee back to good health sooner. A worke...
Compliance of workers compensation laws varies from state to state and it is important for an employer with workers performing duties in other states to be aware of the specific state rules that govern their coverage. Please contact your state authority with your specific questions concerning this ...
Workers' Comp Laws Workers compensation laws were designed to eliminate the need for litigation and ensure injured employees are financially protected from lost wages and medical bills. What does workers' comp cover? The basis of all the legal rules and state statutes around workers compensation ...
Does a sole proprietor need workers' compensation insurance? Most states don’t require sole proprietors to carry workers' compensation insurance, but laws vary. You can always choose to purchase this insurance if you desire. Are specialty contractors covered under workers' compensation insurance?
However, Nevada workers’ compensation laws are designed to ensure quick and efficient compensation to injured or disabled workers but at a reasonable cost to their employer.9 All employers are required to have workers’ compensation insurance to pay for the cost of work injuries.10 There are spec...
place a rangeoflawsprotectingallworkers,including migrantworkers,onthe basis of equality. 新西兰没有批准《保护所有移徙工人及其家庭成员权利国际公约》,但已 经有一系列法律,在平等基础上保护所有工人,包括移徙工人。
Discusses laws on employee compensation for infectious diseases incurred during the tenure of employment in the United States. Liability of employers for employee injury in the course of employment; Liability of the employer for infections in the performance of work.Haugh...
In most states, only regular employees are eligible for workers’ compensation;independent contractorsare not. That was one of the main points of contention in the debate over a California ballot measure that sought to extend employee benefits to drivers for ride-sharing apps like Uber and Lyft. ...