Properties 发现 产品文档 开发语言 主题 我们将不再定期更新此内容。 请查看Microsoft 产品生命周期,了解此产品、服务、技术或 API 的受支持情况。 建议的版本 消除警报 TextBox Class TextBox Constructor TextBox Methods TextBox Properties TextBox Properties...
Right-click the edge of the shape or text box. On the shortcut menu, selectFormat Shape. In theFormat Shapepane, clickSize/Layout & Properties . UnderText Box, select the option that you want in theText directionlist. Rotate (mirror) text in a shape ...
Print document propertiesSelect this option to print the document's summary information on a separate page after the document is printed. Word stores summary information on the Document Information Panel. Print hidden textSelect this option to print all text that is formatted as hidden. Word does ...
在运行 Visual Basic 代码时,可以设置并返回ActiveX 控件的某些属性。 以下示例将一个文本框的Text属性设置为"Hello"。 VB TextBox1.Text="Hello" 关闭窗体时,用户输入窗体中的数据将会丢失。 如果卸载窗体后返回窗体上控件的值,则获得控件的初始值而不是用户输入的值。
The following code example usesTextBox, a derived class, to create a multilineTextBoxcontrol with vertical scroll bars. This example also uses theAcceptsTab,AcceptsReturn, andWordWrapproperties to make the multiline text box control useful for creating text documents. ...
Because the sync method is asynchronous, ensure that it has completed before your code calls the properties that were fetched.The following step must be completed whenever your code needs to read information from the Office document.Within the insertTextIntoRange() function, replace TODO2 with the...
CustomProperties CustomProperty DataLabel DataLabels DataTable DefaultWebOptions Diagram DiagramNode DiagramNodeChildren DiagramNodes Dialog Dialogs Dictionaries Dictionary DisplayUnitLabel Document DocumentClass DocumentEvents DocumentEvents_CloseEventHandler DocumentEvents_Event DocumentEvents_NewEventHandler DocumentEvent...
SdtContentComboBox SdtContentDate SdtContentDocPartList SdtContentDocPartObject SdtContentDropDownList SdtContentEquation SdtContentGroup SdtContentPicture SdtContentRichText SdtContentRow SdtContentRun SdtContentRunRuby SdtContentText SdtDateMappingType SdtDocPartType SdtElement SdtEndCharProperties SdtId SdtPlace...
Step 3: To open the Formatting dialogue box, select the line and right-click to choose Format Object. This will open a pane that lets you change the line's properties, such as color, width, style, and effects. Step 4:Under the Line option in the formatting dialog box, you can select...
Also, it would be helpful for you to provide a screen shot of what happens when you open the PDF file in Acrobat and show the Document Properties' Font listing so we can see exactly what the font status is in terms of font referenced versus font used, embedding status, etc. -...