Step 1:Launch theMicrosoft Word app. Step 2:On the Microsoft Word Ribbon, click on theFiletab. Step 3:Click theInfotab to view the document properties. Step 4:ClickShow All Propertiesat the bottom right to view all options. Step 5:Place your cursor in the text box of the following pro...
In thePropertiesdialog box, click the tabs to select the properties that you want to view or update. ClickOK. Any changes you made are saved automatically. Click theFiletab again to return to your database. View or create custom properties for the current file ...
When you click Properties in the Print dialog box, you may receive the following error message: Word cannot bring up the properties dialog box because the printer returned an error. What To Try Files that the printer driver uses are...
SdtContentComboBox SdtContentDate SdtContentDocPartList SdtContentDocPartObject SdtContentDropDownList SdtContentEquation SdtContentGroup SdtContentPicture SdtContentRichText SdtContentRow SdtContentRun SdtContentRunRuby SdtContentText SdtDateMappingType SdtDocPartType ...
True if Microsoft Word prints document summary information on a separate page at the end of the document. False if document summary information is not printed. Summary information is found in the Properties dialog box (File menu). C# 複製 public bool PrintProperties { get; set; } Property ...
DefaultTextBoxFormFieldString Deleted DeletedFieldCode DeletedMathControl DeletedRun DeletedText 说明 目标 DirectionValues Dirty DisplacedByCustomXmlValues DisplayBackgroundShape DisplayHangulFixedWidth DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid Div DivBorder DivId Div DivsChild DivsType Do...
DoNotVerticallyAlignInTextBox DoNotWrapTextWithPunctuation DoubleStrike Drawing DrawingGridHorizontalOrigin DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing DrawingGridVerticalOrigin DrawingGridVerticalSpacing DropCapLocationValues DropDownListFormField DropDownListSelection DynamicAddress EastAsianLayout EmbedBoldFont EmbedBoldItalicFont Embedded...
DoNotVerticallyAlignInTextBox DoNotWrapTextWithPunctuation DoubleStrike Drawing DrawingGridHorizontalOrigin DrawingGridHorizontalSpacing DrawingGridVerticalOrigin DrawingGridVerticalSpacing DropCapLocationValues DropDownListFormField DropDownListSelection DynamicAddress EastAsianLayout EmbedBoldFont EmbedBoldItalicFont Embedd...
DefaultTextBoxFormFieldString Deleted DeletedFieldCode DeletedMathControl DeletedRun DeletedText 说明 目标 DirectionValues Dirty DisplacedByCustomXmlValues DisplayBackgroundShape DisplayHangulFixedWidth DisplayHorizontalDrawingGrid DisplayVerticalDrawingGrid
To open these, right-click an annotation feature class in theCatalogpane or a Catalog view and click eitherPropertiesto open theFeature Class Propertiesdialog box orAnnotation Feature Class Propertiesto open theAnnotation Feature Class Propertiespane. Note that some properties are editable, while other...