Trueif Microsoft Word removes all user information from comments, revisions, and the Properties dialog box upon saving a document. Read/writeBoolean. 研究 返回一个表示文档的信息检索服务的研究对象。只读的。 RevisedDocumentTitle 返回一个字符串,它表示运行精确比较文档比较功能之后修订的文档的文档标题。只读...
When you click Properties in the Print dialog box, you may receive the following error message: Word cannot bring up the properties dialog box because the printer returned an error. What To Try Files that the printer driver uses are d...
When you click Properties in the Print dialog box, you may receive the following error message: Word cannot bring up the properties dialog box because the printer returned an error. What To Try Files that the printer driver uses are d...
The following code example usesTextBox, a derived class, to create a multilineTextBoxcontrol with vertical scroll bars. This example also uses theAcceptsTab,AcceptsReturn, andWordWrapproperties to make the multiline text box control useful for creating text documents. ...
富文本編輯器控制項是在盛行的 CKEditor 上組建的 HTML 型輕量級編輯器。 它可讓您在模型導向應用程式中建立、貼上和編輯格式化的文字。 若要在編輯器中格式化文字,您可以使用編輯器工具列、插入 HTML 標籤,或是貼上來自其他應用程式 (例如網頁瀏覽器或 Word) 的格式化文字。您...
(Inherited from RichTextBox.) AutoWordSelection Gets or sets a value indicating whether automatic word selection is enabled. (Inherited from RichTextBox.) BackColor Gets or sets the background color of the control. (Inherited from TextBoxBase.) BackgroundImage Infrastructure. This property is ...
代表 'CustomProperties' 集合的變數。 註解 如果物件是在 Microsoft Word 中建立, Creator 屬性會傳回十六進位數位 4D535744,代表字串 「MSWD」。這個屬性主要是設計成用於 Macintosh,其中每個應用程式都有四個字元的建立者程式碼。 例如,Microsoft Word 會有建立者程式碼 MSWD。 如需此屬性的其他資訊,請參閱語言...
如果Microsoft Word 會在儲存新文件時提示輸入文件屬性資訊,則為True。 可讀寫的Boolean。 語法 expression。SavePropertiesPrompt 表達會傳回Options物件的運算式。 範例 本範例會使 Word 在儲存新文件時提示輸入文件屬性資訊。 VB Options.SavePropertiesPrompt =True ...
The “Go to value” definition displays an error message dialog box when the definition points to an Application XAML file. Attached properties in the Property Inspector disappear after you build the solution. When the brush editor is pinned, it can cause the same property to appear multiple tim...
RichTextBoxWordPunctuations RightToLeft RowStyle SaveFileDialog 畫面 ScreenOrientation ScrollableControl ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdges ScrollableControl.DockPaddingEdgesConverter ScrollBar ScrollBarRenderer ScrollBars ScrollButton ScrollEventArgs ScrollEventHandler ScrollEventType ScrollOrientation ScrollProperties SearchDir...