获取CPUID(WIN32_PROCESSOR) wmic cpu list full |find"ProcessorId" rem 提取CPU名称和描述的批处理语句 @echo off for /f "delims=" %%a in ('wmic cpu get name^,description /value^|findstr "="') do set "%%a" echo;%name% echo;%description% ProcessorId=BFEBFBFF000306B9 获取DMI的UUID(WIN32_...
http://zhenlove.com.cn/cndos/fileup/files/WMIC从命令行对Windows的全面管理.rar 4.一段关于WMI的脚本,该脚本来自MS网站,原内容有点问题,稍微修正了一下.要运行该脚本,请复制代码到记事本中并保存为"search.vbs",注意保存时必须加引号,否则不是脚本文件而是文本文件;然后到CMD下使用命令,格式如下:Search.vb...
wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension='cmd' and FileSize>'10000000'" call delete ::删除e盘下test目录(不包括子目录)下的非.cmd文件 wmic datafile where "drive='e:' and Extension<>'cmd' and path='test'" call delete ::复制e盘下test目录(不包括子目录)下的cc.cmd文件到e:\,并改...
Error 0xc004c020 the activation server 2008 reported that the multiple Activation key has exceeded its limit Error 0xC004F015 when installing KMS key on KMS server using slmgr /ipk Error 0xc004f074 when Activating Windows Server 2019 with Windows 2012 R2 KMS Host Error 10013 Error 1055 Microsoft...
-dli [Activation ID | All] Display license information (default: current license) -dlv [Activation ID | All] Display detailed license information (default: current license) -xpr Expiration date for current license state Advanced Options: -cpky Clear product key from the registry (prevents disclosu...
Windows Server 2003 Activation Windows Server 2003 keeps on rebooting (Reason Code: 0x80020002 ) Windows server 2003 local administrator password Windows Server 2003 Product Key Windows Server 2003 R2 SP2 is giving Access denied errors at random. Windows Server 2003 Set Time Windows Server 2003 Unabl...
Error 0xc004c020 the activation server 2008 reported that the multiple Activation key has exceeded its limit Error 0xC004F015 when installing KMS key on KMS server using slmgr /ipk Error 0xc004f074 when Activating Windows Server 2019 with Windows 2012 R2 KMS Host Error 10013 Er...
Error 0xc004c020 the activation server 2008 reported that the multiple Activation key has exceeded its limit Error 0xC004F015 when installing KMS key on KMS server using slmgr /ipk Error 0xc004f074 when Activating Windows Server 2019 with Windows 2012 R2 KMS Host Error 10013 Error 1055 Microsoft...
Error 0xc004c020 the activation server 2008 reported that the multiple Activation key has exceeded its limit Error 0xC004F015 when installing KMS key on KMS server using slmgr /ipk Error 0xc004f074 when Activating Windows Server 2019 with Windows 2012 R2 KMS Host Error 10013 Error 1055 Microsoft...