Cloud Studio代码运行 #非交互模式(Non-Interactive mode)wmic#交互模式(Interactive mode)运行->cmd->wmic[global switches] 帮助命令: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 (<别名>[WMI对象]|<别名>[<路径 where>]|[<别名>]<路径 where>)[<谓词子句>]#可以使用以下全局开关:/NAME...
Cloud Studio代码运行 #非交互模式(Non-Interactive mode)wmic#交互模式(Interactive mode)运行->cmd->wmic[global switches] 帮助命令: 代码语言:javascript 代码运行次数:0 复制 Cloud Studio代码运行 (<别名>[WMI对象]|<别名>[<路径 where>]|[<别名>]<路径 where>)[<谓词子句>]#可以使用以下全局开关:/NAME...
获取DMI的UUID(WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEMPRODUCT) wmic CSPRODUCT list full |find"UUID" UUID=8FF4BB08-1B74-11E5-8500-441C3E291000 获取网卡的MAC地址(WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER) wmic nic list full | findstr "MACAddress" wmic nic where ( MACAddress is not null) get adaptertype , MACAddress wmic nic w...
4.一段关于WMI的脚本,该脚本来自MS网站,原内容有点问题,稍微修正了一下.要运行该脚本,请复制代码到记事本中并保存为"search.vbs",注意保存时必须加引号,否则不是脚本文件而是文本文件;然后到CMD下使用命令,格式如下:Search.vbs 类关键字,该脚本可以实现搜索WMI CLASS的是属性等. ;代码开始=== Set args = ws...
WMIC /node:computer64,computer65PROCESScall create"netstat.exe -ano > C:\output.txt"WMIC /node:@computers.txt /failfast:onPROCESScall create"\\server\share\installer.cmd"WMIC /node:computer64 /output:shares.htmlSHAREget name,path /format:htable ...
4.一段关于WMI的脚本,该脚本来自MS网站,原内容有点问题,稍微修正了一下.要运行该脚本,请复制代码到记事本中并保存为"search.vbs",注意保存时必须加引号,否则不是脚本文件而是文本文件;然后到CMD下使用命令,格式如下:Search.vbs 类关键字,该脚本可以实现搜索WMI CLASS的是属性等. ;代码开始=== Set args = ws...
Run registry key as a scheduled task? Run scheduled as build-in administrator runas with /netonly and /savecred Running a .cmd file at startup using Task Scheduler on Windows 2012 R2 server running a program as a service in windows server 2008 r2 Running a vbs script in task schedule in ...
@client.sys.process.execute("cmd.exe /C wmic /append:c:\\user.out useraccount get Name", nil, {'Hidden' => true }) running = 1 while running == 1 running = 0 @client.sys.process.get_processes().each do |proc| if "wmic.exe" == (proc['name'].downcase) ...
Cluster Group is returning Event Id 9017 DNS Bad Key cmd line bat script for free disk space CMD to open shared files cmd.exe process does not close after bat file runs CNAME recoord cannot be resolved Command line tools to completely change region/input language for default...