格式1:Get-WmiObject -Class [类名] | select [字段名] Get-WmiObject-ClassWin32_Product|selectname//获取软件列表Get-WmiObjectWin32_QuickFixEngineering//获取系统已安装更新列表,可以不带-Class//获取Windows激活信息Get-WmiObjectSoftwareLicensingProduct-filter'PartialProductKey != NULL and ApplicationID="55c...
WmicPathWin32_Process:::AttachDebugger Method of the Win32_Process Class:::Create Method of the Win32_Process Class:::GetOwner Method of the Win32_Process Class:::GetOwnerSid Method of the Win32_Process Class:::SetPriority Method of the Win32_Process Class:::Terminate Method of the Win32...
/EVERY:<interval>Repeats the command every<interval>seconds. /FORMAT:<format specifier>Specifies a key word or XSL file name to format the data. Example:process get name LIST Shows data.LISTis the default verb. LISThas the following adverbs: ...
# If the user wants to just execute a command without cmd.exe,setraw command andsetno outputifself.__silentCommand is True:self.__shell='' wmiexec.py 还支持无回显的方式进行命令执行。这种方式是不会建立 SMB 连接,也就不需要 445 端口的开放。
wmic命令学习 wmic是一个十分强大的win管理工具,结合bat可用来处理很多系统的事情,或者收集系统信息。 内网里面常用的是用来执行远程程序: 先决条件: a. 启动Windows Management Instrumentation服务,开放TCP135端口。 b. 本地安全策略的“网络访问
('')self.__shell ='cmd.exe /Q /c 'self.__shell_type = shell_typeself.__pwsh ='powershell.exe -NoP -NoL -sta -NonI -W Hidden -Exec Bypass -Enc 'self.__win32Process = win32Processself.__transferClient = smbConnectionself.__silentCommand = silentCommandself.__pwd = str('C:\...
Deletes the Progloc environment variable. To avoid unintended deletions when testing a WMIC command that uses the Delete verb, use the /interactive:on global switch. You'll then be prompted to confirm each deletion. Get partition get bootpartition, description, deviceid, bootable ...
/EVERY:<interval>Repeats the command every<interval>seconds. /FORMAT:<format specifier>Specifies a key word or XSL file name to format the data. Example:process get name LIST Shows data.LISTis the default verb. LISThas the following adverbs: ...
WMI command line (WMIC) utility deprecation: Next steps Starting January 29, 2024, you'll find Windows Management Instrumentation Command line (WMIC) feature "disabled by default" on the insider build of Windows 11. If your application is dependent on WMI......