格式1:Get-WmiObject -Class [类名] | select [字段名] Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_Product | select name //获取软件列表 Get-WmiObject Win32_QuickFixEngineering //获取系统已安装更新列表,可以不带-Class //获取Windows激活信息 Get-WmiObject SoftwareLicensingProduct -filter 'PartialProductKey != NULL...
WMIC.exeBIOSget serialnumber List the available key/value pairs for the computer: WMICCOMPUTERSYSTEMget * /format:list |more Display Memory and domain join status: WMICCOMPUTERSYSTEMget PartofDomain,TotalPhysicalMemory /format:list List the available key/value pairs for the OS: WMICOSget * /for...
Command-Line Syntax Key Reference Commands by Server Role adprep append arp assoc at atmadm attrib auditpol autochk autoconv autofmt bcdboot bcdedit bdehdcfg bitsadmin bootcfg break cacls call cd certreq certutil change chcp chdir chglogon chgport chgusr chkdsk chkntfs choice cipher cleanmgr clip cl...
To change the language ID used by the command line to English (locale ID 409), type: wmic /locale:ms_409 Additional references Command-Line Syntax Key
wmic/output:路径<command>get字段1,字段2;WMIC/OUTPUT:c:\ClassOutput.htmCLASSWin32_SoundDeviceWMIC/OUTPUT:c:\PathOutput.txtPATHWin32_SoundDeviceGET/VALUE#格式化输出格式选择以及选择指定字段 #/FORMAT:VALUE|LIST|CSV|HFORM|HTABLE|MOF|RAWXML|TABLE|XML|htable-sortby ...
Using the “get” option within wmic, you can specify that only certain columns be displayed. This is another way of cutting down the output of the command. Figure 23.18 shows the output of the wmic product get name, version, vendor command. Sign in to download full-size image Figure 23.1...
获取DMI的UUID(WIN32_COMPUTERSYSTEMPRODUCT) wmic CSPRODUCT list full |find"UUID" UUID=8FF4BB08-1B74-11E5-8500-441C3E291000 获取网卡的MAC地址(WIN32_NETWORKADAPTER) wmic nic list full | findstr "MACAddress" wmic nic where ( MACAddress is not null) get adaptertype , MACAddress ...
For good reason, WMIC is a key piece of Microsoft's command-line initiative for XP and .NET Server. WMIC enables robust command-line systems-management access to the WMI namespace, wherever WMI is running on the network. The command-line components take a little time to master, but after...
鉴于上述原因,微软在Windows Server 2003中,综合了WMI的强大与命令行的简洁,推出了全新的命令行管理工具WMIC,英文全称Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line,即Windows管理规范命令行。并声称使用WMIC,再配合其他现存的命令行工具,管理员几乎可以完成所有的管理任务,而不必再过多地依赖那些图形界面。 本文将对WMI...
鉴于上述原因,微软在Windows Server 2003中,综合了WMI的强大与命令行的简洁,推出了全新的命令行管理工具WMIC,英文全称Windows Management Instrumentation Command-line,即Windows管理规范命令行。并声称使用WMIC,再配合其他现存的命令行工具,管理员几乎可以完成所有的管理任务,而不必再过多地依赖那些图形界面。