departments of Zhenjiang Municipal government and specially the OEC student associations. The academic, cultural, sporting and mental health events throughout the vacation presented an entertaining and resourceful winter vacation
Outdoor activities. D. Sunlight through the window.3. What does" to keep the depression at bay" mean in the third paragraph?A. To shorten the duration of the depression.B. To use light to resist the depression.C. To keep the depression manageable and minimal.D. To delay the occurrence...
2. If you receive a phone call from strangers or text message informing you that you’ve won a lottery or asking you to transfer money to a specific account, don’t trust it, just leave it alone. 心理健康/Mental health 关注自身...
4. Exercise the body With the chilly winter weather, exercise and outdoor activities are the last things to think of for most people. However, physical activity is known to help in the production offeel-good hormonessuch as endorphins and serotonin. Even if you feel like hiding yourself under...
Winter activities not only keep you physically fit but also benefit your mental well-being and provide chances for social communication. Winter wonderland is waiting for you, promising a season full of joy, health, and unforgettable experiences. So, when the snow arrives, consider putting on ...
Try planning undemanding but enjoyable activities to break out of hibernation mode, which “could be as simple as meeting a friend for coffee,” Rohan said. What else might work? People with SAD have half the year to create coping strategies, and some have found hacks that work for them...
There’s never a wrong time to establish a mindfulness practice that includes peaceful activities such as meditation,breathwork, gratitude or journaling, and doing so can help youkeep your mental health in check this winter. Each of these techniques has beenshownto elevate one’s mood and reduce...
Winter activities not only keep you physically fit but also improve your mental well-being and bring about strong social connections. So, as the snow falls,why not find out for yourself what winter sports bring to both body and mind?( B )21. How many advantages of winter sports does the...
If none of these techniques seem to help your depressive symptoms, you should consider consulting your family physician or a mental health professional. The winter blues are a form of depression and can be readily treated w ith medications or psychotherapy when other self-help methods aren’t eff...
Come dressed for the weather and prepared for outdoor activities. Please do not bring flashlights - we will let the luminaries, and the stars light our way. Prepaid registration required. $10 per person/$8 per member. Recommended for ages 6+. Outdoor Holiday with a Twist December 21, ...