AbbreviationMeaning deferred The module has been loaded, but the debugger has not attempted to load the symbols. Symbols will be loaded when needed. SeeDeferred Symbol Loadingfor details. # There is a mismatch between the symbol file and the executable, either in their timestamps or in their ...
Symbol character sets have a special meaning. If the symbol bit (31) is set, and the font file contains a 'cmap' subtable for platform of 3 and encoding ID of 1, then all of the characters in the Unicode range 0xF000 - 0xF0FF (inclusive) will be used to enumerate the symbol chara...
Condition NameFlagsMeaning after a CMP operation. E ZF=1 value1 == value2. NE ZF=0 value1 != value2. GE NL SF=OF value1 >= value2. Values are treated as signed integers. LE NG ZF=1 or SF!=OF value1 <= value2. Values are treated as signed integers. G NLE ZF=0 and SF=...
Don't use an icon if its meaning isn't clear, or if making it clear requires a complex shape.Use the right type of iconThere are many ways to create an icon. You can use a symbol font like the Segoe Fluent Icons font. You can create your own vector-based image. You can even ...
Figure 6: setting the _NT_SYMBOL_PATH variable. ↑ Back to topAnalyzing the Crash Dump FileStart WinDbg from the Start menu (the exact position of WinDbg will vary according to your Windows version) and select File -> Open Crash Dump... (or press CTRL+D): select the appropriate .DMP ...
Status: indicates whether a letter is new (N), unread (U), or read (no symbol). A ">" at the beginning of a line indicates the current letter. Deleted letters are marked with an asterisk (*). Number: indicates order in which letter was received. ...
(or msDS-PrincipalName) e.g.DOMAIN\usernameto Duo's cloud service as the Duo username. However, when you create your RDP application in Duo, the "Username normalization" option defaults to "Simple" normalization, so that Duo ignores anything preceding a backslash or after an at symbol in ...
Click the arrow symbol in the notification area to view all hidden notification icons. Drag NetSetMan's icon from the hidden area to the always visible area. Drop it in the position you would like it to be ready at your service.
That’s right: It’s the universal symbol for “Click me to exit Full Screen mode.” If you Option-click this button, your window grows just large enough to reveal all the icons inside it—or, in programs, large enough to reveal all the text, graphics, or music. It’s almost like ...
You can add a process symbol before many commands. For more information about the meaning of a pipe (|) followed by a command, see the entry for the command itself. Unless you enabled the debugging of child processes when you started the debugging session, there is only one process that ...