如果電腦連線到網路,請輸入Microsoft 公用符號伺服器:https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols,然後選取 [確定]。 推薦使用這個方法。 如果電腦未連線到網路,請指定本機符號路徑。 選取[開啟損毀傾印],然後開啟您複製的memory.dmp檔案。 在[錯誤檢查分析]底下,選取!analyze -v。 命令!analyze...
如果计算机已连接到 Internet,请输入Microsoft 公共符号服务器:https://msdl.microsoft.com/download/symbols,然后选择“确定”。 建议使用此方法。 如果计算机未连接到 Internet,请指定本地符号路径。 选择“打开故障转储”,然后打开复制的 memory.dmp文件。
Symbol file types and their loading status can be determined by using the lm (List Loaded Modules) command, the !lmi extension, or WinDbg's Debug | Modules menu command.Each of these displays information about loaded modules and their symbols....
Use the Dump Check Utility (Dumpchk.exe) to read a memory dump file or verify that the file was created correctly. Note The Dump Check Utility does not require access to debugging symbols. Symbol files hold a variety of data that is actually not needed when you run the bi...
If Windows Debugger is installed, and you have access to public symbols, you can load the c:\windows\memory.dmp file into the debugger. Then refer to Determining the source of Bug Check 0x133 (DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION) errors on Windows Server 2012 to find the prob...
FindDebugInfoFileEx-> Looking for 6: d:\MyInstallation\i386\symbols\retail\symbols\exe\ntkrnlmp.dbg... no file 7: DBGHELP: FindDebugInfoFileEx-> Looking for 8: d:\MyInstallation\i386\symbols\retail\symbols\exe\ntkrnlmp.pdb... no file 9: DBGHELP: FindDebugInfoFileEx-> Looking for d:\My...
* Enumerating symbols matching thismodule!*, Size = 0x2 Address Size Symbol 002 thismodule!wchar_t 002 thismodule!WORD 002 thismodule!USHORT 002 thismodule!SHORT 002 thismodule!u_short 002 thismodule!WCHAR 00427a34 002 thismodule!numberOfShips 00427a32 002 thismodule!numberOfPlanes 00427a30 ...
0: kd> lm m echo* v Browse full module list start end module name fffff801`4ae80000 fffff801`4ae89000 ECHO (private pdb symbols) C:\Samples\KMDF_ECHO_SAMPLE\echo.pdb Loaded symbol image file: ECHO.sys Image path: \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\ECHO.sys Image name: ECHO.sys ... 有...
The problem appears in different forms, depending on whether the source files or the toolchain itself (or both) are located on the file share. The problems are nondeterministic. In the case of linking, the symptom is that LLD fails to resolve a lot of symbols, e.g. like this: ld.lld...
the search continues. Next, the debugger looks for a .dbg file and a .pdb file that match the loaded image. These are on lines 6 through 10. Line 11 indicates that even though symbols were loaded, the time-date stamp for the image did not match (that is, the symbols were wrong). ...