The meaning of STATUS is position or rank in relation to others. How to use status in a sentence.
status symbol noun an object, habit, etc., by which the social or economic status of the possessor may be judged.Discover More Idioms and PhrasesA position or activity that allows one's social prestige to be displayed, as in She doesn't even drive; that car of hers is purely a status...
The meaning of SYMBOL is an authoritative summary of faith or doctrine : creed. How to use symbol in a sentence.
The status bar and the notification bar differ in their position. The status bar is located at the top-right of the display. This is where you will see the current time, battery status, and connections. See the usual list of status icons you can find on the status bar: Common symbols ...
Journal of East Asian ArchaeologyLee Yun Kuen.Status,Symbol and Meaning in the Dian Culture. Journal of the East Asian Archaeology . 2001Yun Kuen Lee. Status, Symbol, and Meaning in the Dian Culture[J] 2001,Journal of East Asian Archaeology(1-2):103~131...
The guide explains the differences between status icons and notification icons on Galaxy S20, and the meaning of status icons and notification icons on Galaxy S20, S20+, and S20 Ultra.
seestatus symbol. Discover More Example Sentences Noting the hard world of the industry’s craftpeople, O’Brien said that “even in the face of terrible wildfires and divisive politics, the work continues,” indicating the Oscars is a symbol of resilience and strength. ...
symbol•Rollins hasemergedas asymbolofmodernjazzat itsfinest.•Thetroublewas that the oldmeeting-househad become asymbolofreligiousandculturalisolation.•Thedoveis asymbolofpeace.•ForseveralyearsPrinceused asymbolinstead of hisname.•But none coulddenythat a fine house was asymbolofstatusand...
The meaning of SYMBOL is an authoritative summary of faith or doctrine : creed. How to use symbol in a sentence.
The meaning of SYMBOL is an authoritative summary of faith or doctrine : creed. How to use symbol in a sentence.