更符合语义,故先注释掉#findalarm() {# #查找已设置的任务闹钟# eval list-schtasks|grep alarm#}findtasks() {## 根据名称或命令行参数查找任务计划# --- 默认仅查找启用的任务,可附加参数查找禁用的任务# eg:# findtasks 录制 --disable# findtasks 录制 --enable# findtasks 录制 --all #...
ScheduledTasks 模块包含可管理 Windows 任务计划程序中的所有任务的命令。
Namespace: Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.ScheduledTasks Assembly: Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.ScheduledTasks.dll Represents a scheduled task.C# 复制 public struct ScheduledTaskInheritance ValueType ScheduledTask Properties 展开表 ExitCode Gets the exit code HResult provided by ...
原始KB 数:2447414 现象 在基于 Windows 2008/2008 R2 Active Directory 域的 Windows 2008/2008 R2 中配置以下用户组策略首选项(GPP)项。 User Configuration\Preferences\Control Panel Settings\Scheduled Tasks\New\"Scheduled Task (Windows Vista and later)" 在“通用设置”选项卡下,选择“在登录...
. In theStart Searchbox, type task scheduler. Then, in theProgramslist, clickTask Scheduler. On theViewmenu, clickShow Hidden Tasks. The following table describes the hidden scheduled tasks in a default installation of Windows Vista. Additional information ...
右键单击TasksInMemoryQueue,单击“编辑”,然后单击“修改”。 在“值”数据框中,键入1000(十进制)。 右键单击TasksPerHighestPrivEngine,单击“编辑”,然后单击“修改”。 在“值”数据框中,键入1000(十进制)。 右键单击TasksPerLeastPrivEngine,单击“编辑”,然后单击“修改”。
Assembly: Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.ScheduledTasks.dll Gets the fully-qualified name of the task, including the path. C# 複製 public string FullName { get; } Property Value String Applies to 產品版本 Microsoft.Windows.EventTracing.Processing 1.0 意見反應 即將登場:在 2024 年,我...
A detailed view of all scheduled tasks is provided in the Scheduled Tasks Details (Figure 9). The upper pane contains a list of tasks scheduled on the computer. The bottom pane shows details for the highlighted task in the list. Triggers, Actions, Conditions, and Settings for each task are...
Unregister-ScheduledTask Secure Boot Cmdlets Server Core Cmdlets Server Manager Tasks Cmdlets Server Manager Cmdlets Server Migration Cmdlets SMB Share Cmdlets SMB Witness Cmdlets SMI-S Configuration Cmdlets Software Inventory Logging Cmdlets Start Screen Cmdlets ...
A detailed view of all scheduled tasks is provided in the Scheduled Tasks Details (Figure 9). The upper pane contains a list of tasks scheduled on the computer. The bottom pane shows details for the highlighted task in the list. Triggers, Actions, Conditions, and Settings for each task are...