In this example, I’m working on DC1 and will get the scheduled tasks on remote computer PC1. Get-ScheduledTask -CimSession PC1 Get Scheduled Tasks on All Computers (Graphical Tool) In this example, I’ll use the Service Accounts Report Tool to list all scheduled tasks on a group of co...
Threading.Tasks.Task>' to Cannot create an instance of ... because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true. Cannot create folder because a file or directory with the same name already exists Cannot create the instance of Abstract or interface ' Cannot delete mdf ...
GET /v4/openapi/app-groups/{appGroupIdentity}/scheduled-tasks HTTP/1.1 请求参数 名称类型必填描述示例值 appGroupIdentity string 是 应用名称 my_app_group_name type string 否 定时任务类型 wipe 数据清理 fork 索引重建 check-status 检查应用状态 index 索引重建 wipe pageNumber integer 否 页码,默认 pa...
Delete a Scheduled Task To delete a task schedule: Select a task fromtheTasks List. 从预定任务列表里选择一项任务。 CompletedTasks–Alistofcompletedtasks,showing the months ...
The ListScheduledReports method only returns information about items for which the user has Read Properties permission. The set of report items that are returned might not represent all the reports that are associated with the specified shared schedule. 請參閱 參考 ReportingService2006類別 Reporting... - OnlineOrNot provides uptime monitoring for websites and APIs, monitoring for cron jobs and scheduled tasks. Also provides status pages. The first five checks with a 3-minute interval are free. The free tier sends alerts via Slack, Discord, and Email. CN Test...
There are a few views: Today, Scheduled, All, and Flagged. Beyond that, you can see individual lists and your automatically updated Smart Lists. It's simple, sure, but this simplicity might be a big plus: you get in, add tasks, and then get to work. There's no universal keyboard sh...
指定重新部署、重新啟動和 ScheduledEventsAdditionalPublishingTargets Scheduled 事件相關組態。 ScheduledEventsProfile securityEncryptionTypes 指定受控磁碟的 EncryptionType。 它會設定為 DiskWithVMGuestState 來加密受控磁碟以及 VMGuestState Blob、VMGuestStateOnly,以便只加密 VMGuestState Blob,以及 NonPersistedTPM 以...
ScheduledEventsPolicy 指定虚拟机的重新部署、重新启动和 ScheduledEventsAdditionalPublishingTargets 计划事件相关配置。 ScheduledEventsProfile 指定与计划事件相关的配置。 securityEncryptionTypes 指定托管磁盘的 EncryptionType。 它设置为 DiskWithVMGuestState,用于加密托管磁盘以及 VMGuestState blob、VMGuestStateOnly 以...
4、newScheduledThreadPool 创建一个定时线程池,支持定时和周期性的执行任务 说明:创建一个定时线程池,定时和周期性的执行任务 特点:在实际的业务场景中可以使 用该线程池定期的同步数据 public static ScheduledExecutorService newScheduledThreadPool(int corePoolSize) { ...