Access a list of 200+ CMD Tricks, Hacks, and basic commands to help navigate and customize a PC more efficiently. Learn how to use CMD for tasks like getting help on commands, executing functions keys, copying data, checking IP addresses, encrypting files, creating a WiFi hotspot, and shutt...
We've included all of them in this list to help show changes in commands from operating system to operating system. Command Prompt Commands List Below is a complete list of Command Prompt commands, often called CMD commands (and sometimes incorrectly as Command Prompt codes), available from ...
Thechoicecommand prompts a user to choose an answer from a list of options. Without any parameters, the command prompts the user to choose betweenYandNoptions. Additional options control the number of choices and the prompt text. For example, to add a third choice, use the/cparameter and li...
openedaregisteredatdeleteplantostopallscheduledtasks, withparametersofyesdonotneedtoconfirmdirectlyatID stopdeletestoparegisteredatplantoseealloftheplanned tasksatIPtimeprogram(oracommand)rinarunningtimeof eachotheraprogramoffingerusername@hostandrestartthe ...
Scheduled Tasks control schedtasks Screenshot Snipping Tool snippingtool Security Center wscui.cpl Services services.msc Shared Folder Wizard shrpubw Shared Folders fsmgmt.msc Shut Down Windows shutdown Software Licensing/Activation slui Sounds and Audio mmsys.cpl Sound Recorder soundrecorder Sound Volume ...
前言Windows 是我们日常使用最多的操作系统,其丰富的软件生态,使其成为我们日常最离不开的操作系统。值得一提的是,Windows不像Linux 那样可以使非常自如的使用命令行,对比使用之后,就会发现Windows的命令行有点不人性化,用起来很不方便,但是有时候我们又不得不去使
The schtasks command can be used to create, delete, query, change, run, and end scheduled tasks. The schtasks command is available in Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP. Sdbinst The sdbinst command is used to deploy customized SDB database ...
To configure a regularly scheduled backup using this command, you must be a member of the Administrators group. To perform all other tasks with this command, you must be a member of the Backup Operators group or the Administrators group, or you must have been delegated the appropriate permissio...
WSUScan be configured to install updates when workstations are available andScheduled Taskscan be set to Wake the machine when needed. Power scheme GUIDs The use ofGUIDsavoids any problems with internationalisation when applying Power Saving to non-english versions of Windows. ...
List scheduled tasks & binaries C:\> schtasks /query /fo LIST /v Weak permissions can be exploited forlocalprivilege escalation Display the "Stored User names and Passwords" window C:\> rundll32 keymgr.dll,KRShowKeyMgr List namespaces & classes in WMI via PowerShell ...