From a cmd prompt run:BITSADMIN /LIST /ALLUSERS /VERBOSE Search for the 0x80072EFE error code. You should see a reference to an HTTP code with a specific file. Using a browser, try to download it manually, making sure you're using your organization's proxy settings. If the download fai...
'microsoft.identityServer.service'.policystore.connectionString $command = "Select ServiceSettingsData from [IdentityServerPolicy].[ServiceSettings]" $cli = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $cli.ConnectionString = $connString $cmd = new-object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $cmd....
Select Start > Run, type cmd, and then select OK. Change to the Debugging Tools for Windows folder. To do this, type the following at the command prompt, and then press ENTER: Console Copy cd C:\Program Files\Debugging Tools For Windows To load the dump file into a...
Set-CMTSStepCaptureWindowsSettings [-Condition <IResultObject[]>] [-SetConditionIfStatement] [-StatementType <ConditionStatementType>] [-StepName <String>] -TaskSequenceName <String> [-DisableWildcardHandling] [-ForceWildcardHandling] [-WhatIf] [-Confirm] [<CommonParameters>]Power...
命令行中的选择语句是 if,该语句有 3 中不同的形式,本节将逐一介绍。 普通的 if 语句:如果条件为真则执行该语句,否则绕过该语句。 语法(语法中的圆括号并非必须,但使用圆括号会使语句结构更加清晰): ifcondition(statement1)[else(statement2)] 示例: ...
Note In Windows Command Prompt (cmd.exe), exit will return the return code of the previous command. If the command you typed before exit resulted in an error, then "closeOnExit": "graceful" will still show that error code, instead of closing the tab....
Disable-CMDriver Disable-CMProgram Disable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule Disable-CMSoftwareUpdateAutoDeploymentRule Disable-CMStatusFilterRule Disable-CMTaskSequence Disconnect-CMTrackedObject Enable-CMAlert Enable-CMBaseline Enable-CMDriver Enable-CMProgram Enable-CMSiteFeature Enable-CMSoftwareMeteringRule Enab...
dbgcmd BAD_SYSTEM_CONFIG_INFO (74) Can indicate that the SYSTEM hive loaded by the osloader/NTLDR was corrupt. This is unlikely, since the osloader will check a hive to make sure it isn't corrupt after loading it. It can also indicate that some critical registry keys and values are not...
dbgcmd Copy 2: kd> !verifier 0xf Verify Level 9bb ... enabled options are: Special pool Special irql All pool allocations checked on unload Io subsystem checking enabled Deadlock detection enabled DMA checking enabled Security checks enabled Miscellaneous checks enabled Summary of All Verifier St...