If Command Extensions are enabled CALL changes as follows:CALL command now accepts labels as the target of the CALL. The syntaxis:CALL :label argumentsA new batch file context is created with the specified arguments andcontrol is passed to the statement after the label specified. You must...
set totalNum = totalNum-1; if totalNum = 0 then leave aaa; elseif totalNum = 3 then iterate aaa; ---iterate 当totalNum=3时候跳过(类似continue); end if; insert into 表名 values(totalNum,'23123123','123125123'); end loop 字段; end && delimiter ; delimiter && create procedure 存储过...
条件语句条件语句的主要作用判断参数或者语句是否满足已给定的条件,根据判定结果执行相应的操作。GaussDB有五种形式的IF: IF_THEN 图1 IF_THEN::= IF_THEN语句是IF的最简单形式。如果条件为真,statements将被执行。否则,将忽略它们的结果使该IF_THEN语句执行结束。
软件:从开源项目对外输出的制品评估其价值最终落脚点。也是开源评估最“古老”的主流方向之一“开源软件” 的具体表现。 3. 评估模型 基于“开源生态”与“协作、人、软件”的维度,找到与该目标直接或间接相关的可量化指标,对开源项目健康与生态进行量化评估,最终形成开源评估指数。
owners.Type'help;'or'\h'forhelp.Type'\c'to clear the current input statement.root@localhost:(none)07:15:23>use mysql Database changed root@localhost:mysql07:15:30>root@localhost:mysql07:16:52> 1、连接客户端时通过参数指定。 mysql --prompt="(\u@\h) [\d]> " ...
The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type aSELECTstatement, aGOto execute theSELECT, and anEXITto exitsqlcmd: SQL USEAdventureWorks2022; GOSELECTTOP (3) BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastNameFROMPerson.Person; GO ...
If a system stored procedure selects a set and returns a value, only the selection is returned. The :EXIT() statement with nothing between the parentheses executes everything before it in the batch, and then exits without a return value....
sqlcmd then returns a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully, and displays a new 1> prompt as a signal to enter a new statement or command.The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type a SELECT statement, a GO to execute the ...
sqlcmd then returns a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully, and displays a new 1> prompt as a signal to enter a new statement or command.The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type a SELECT statement, a GO to execute the ...
--插入--> <insert id="commonInsert" parameterType="${entityPackage}.${className}"> INSERT INTO ${tableName} <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> #foreach($item in $projectCode.TableFieldInfos) #if($item.ColumnName== "CREATE_TIME" || $item.ColumnName == "UPDATE_TIME...