set totalNum = totalNum-1; if totalNum = 0 then leave aaa; elseif totalNum = 3 then iterate aaa; ---iterate 当totalNum=3时候跳过(类似continue); end if; insert into 表名 values(totalNum,'23123123','123125123'); end loop 字段; end && delimiter ; delimiter && create procedure 存储过...
sqlcmd then returns a message to indicate that the USE statement completed successfully, and displays a new 1> prompt as a signal to enter a new statement or command.The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type a SELECT statement, a GO to execute the ...
:exit(statement) :Quit :r <filename> :setvar <value> :connect server[\instance] [-l login_timeout] [-U user [-P password]] :on error [ignore|exit] :error <filename>|stderr|stdout :out <filename>|stderr|stdout Note Send output...
在mysql应用中,可以使用IF、CASE、LOOP、 LEAVE 、ITERATE 、REPEAT 以及 WHILE语句进行流程的控制。一、分支结构1.1 IF语句功能:IF实现条件判断,可以实现简单的分支流程控制,满足不同条件执行不同的语句。具体语法: IF search_condition THEN statement_list [ELSE ...
If more than one type of variable has the same name, the variable with the highest precedence is used. System level environmental variables User level environmental variables Command shell (SET X=Y) set at command prompt before startingsqlcmd ...
If subsequent result sets after the first set have the same column list, their rows are appended to the formatted table that contains the rows that were returned by the first result set. You can display SQL Server message output, such as those that result from the SQL PRINT statement, by ...
--插入--> <insert id="commonInsert" parameterType="${entityPackage}.${className}"> INSERT INTO ${tableName} <trim prefix="(" suffix=")" suffixOverrides=","> #foreach($item in $projectCode.TableFieldInfos) #if($item.ColumnName== "CREATE_TIME" || $item.ColumnName == "UPDATE_TIME...
The following example shows what the Command Prompt window contains if you type aSELECTstatement, aGOto execute theSELECT, and anEXITto exitsqlcmd: SQL USEAdventureWorks2022; GOSELECTTOP (3) BusinessEntityID, FirstName, LastNameFROMPerson.Person; GO ...
If Command Extensions are enabled CALL changes as follows:CALL command now accepts labels as the target of the CALL. The syntaxis:CALL :label argumentsA new batch file context is created with the specified arguments andcontrol is passed to the statement after the label specified. You must...
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