if 'electronics' in [item['category'] for item in cart_items]: _final_price *= 0.95 # 会员购买电子产品享受5%的折扣 elif 'clothing' in [item['category'] for item in cart_items]: _final_price *= 0.9 # 会员购买服装享受10%的折扣 else: if len([item for item in cart_items if item...
if a>b: print('a>b') if a<b: print('ab为真,所以后面的语句被执行,a>b会被打印 相反,a<b为假,后面的语句不被执行,a
语句:statement定义:语句是由一些表达式组成,通常一条语句可以独立来执行来完成一部分事情并形成结果一条语句建议写在一行内多行语句写在一行内需要用分号(;)分开示例: X=100 Y=200 Print(x+y) #写在一行内 X=100;y=200;Print(x+y) 显示换行: \ 折行符必须放在一行的末尾,来示意解释执行器的下一行也是本...
The If (IF) command is used to state a condition that, if true, specifies a statement or group of statements in the program or procedure to be run.
if i have an item within a listbox and i want to do an if statement to check if an item is in that listbox, what is the code that i need? my example goes as this if a list box already contains the item that is in question, then a button must be enabled. how do i do ...
how can i create a short if statement like in c#: if (a<b)?a:b - using How can i detect if iframe source url can be loaded or not ? How can I display a modal message box in How can i display image in new window? How can I display the current month name?
1whilecommand2do34statement56done code: 1#!/bin/sh23i=04sum=05while[ $i -le100]6do7sum=$(($sum+$i))8i=$(($i +1))9done10echo"sum is $sum" rusults: 1[root@localhost 1st]#shxx.sh2sumis50503[root@localhost 1st]#
If the condition that is indicated in the “if” statement is false, the “else” statement is utilized to carry out a specific action. It displays the following: if[condition to check][command] else[command] Example 1: The following batch script checks to see if the %USERNAME% variable ...
If是一种条件语句,用于根据给定的条件执行不同的代码块。它是大多数编程语言中的关键字,包括前端开发、后端开发、移动开发等各类开发领域。 If语句是一种控制流语句,它根据条件的真假来决定是否执行特定的代码块。通常,If语句由关键字if、条件表达式和要执行的代码块组成。如果条件表达式的结果为真,则执行代码块;否则...