You must have cmake installed to build the software as well. Building To compile the code, cd /path/to/apriltags-cpp mkdir build cd build cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release make Demo/utility programs The APRIL tags library is intended to be used as a library, from C++, but there ...
apriltag-windows专用安装包 光阴**语茶上传1.92MB文件格式zipwindows源码软件 适配windows下的apriltag安装包,解决windows下无法安装的难题。 (0)踩踩(0) 所需:1积分 金橙子打标软件3.0版本 2025-02-12 13:57:59 积分:1 vb串口通讯源码VB串口通信示例内含实例源码...
[Windows Version: AprilTag] C++ port of the AprilTags library, using OpenCV (and optionally, CGAL) - P-Chao/apriltags-cpp-win