1 vue init webpack XX Project name :默认 Project description :默认 Author :默认 Vue build :选择 Runtime + Compiler Install vue-router? :Y Use ESLint to lint your code? :Y 选择 Standard Set up unit tests :n Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? : n Should we run `npm install` for you...
We will receive also the current and previous values of the mutated variables How does it work? Very simple, it just adds a watchers for everything inside the component with thedebug: trueflag and does the same recursively for its parent recursively. ...
1. git clone https://github.com/flyskywhy/aliyun-oss-react-native.git 2. cd Example 3. npm install step-2:start local auth server and modify the URL in initWithServerSTS function of Example/App.js,Server address must begin with ip,of cource you can refer to the scrpts folder we pro...
Upon further Googling, it seemed that the real reason we have npm and npx is because sometimes we want to quickly execute a package without installing it such that we execute its latest version. Examples being the packages that setup projects. I see but then there is an additional kicker, w...
npm install @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas --save Android Add below into /android/settings.gradle include ':android:gcanvas_library' project(':android:gcanvas_library').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/android/gcanvas_library') ...
Next, visitnpmjs.comand follow the installation instructions Now, we are ready to write some code So, why is Node.js so popular? Though immature in many aspects, Node.js is a fast-developing and promising environment that is set to solve and diminish many of the development hurdles that yo...
npm init -y Executing the command above will generate the followingpackage.jsonfile in your project directory: { "name":"myapp", "version":"1.0.0", "description":"", "main":"index.js", "scripts": { "test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1" ...
npminit-y Next, let’s install our main dependencies: npminstall@cycle/dom @cycle/run xstream--save This will install@cycle/dom,@cycle/xstream-run, andxstream. We are also going to needbabel,browserifyandmkdirpso let’s install them: ...
There are two tools for dealing with packages in the Node world, namely npm and Yarn. The npm CLI tool is shipped with Node, so we’ll focus on it. Let’s create a project: $ mkdir mynpmproject $ cd mynpmproject $ npm init …answer a few questions… $ ls package.json We’ve...
3: Use other software to replace Babel Before we look at alternatives, let’s quickly review how to use Babel. Using Babel to transpile and polyfill First, create a mini-project directory and install the dependencies we need. mkdir babel-test cd babel-test npm init -y mkdir src dist npm...