1 vue init webpack XX Project name :默认 Project description :默认 Author :默认 Vue build :选择 Runtime + Compiler Install vue-router? :Y Use ESLint to lint your code? :Y 选择 Standard Set up unit tests :n Setup e2e tests with Nightwatch? : n Should we run `npm install` for you...
Updated all third party dependencies including websocket-sharp and all WebGL npm dependencies awrtc_signaling: updated dependencies and changed the default config to support IPv6 Fixed some incorrect namespaces in Byn.Awrtc.Native.dll Native: Major changes in how the audio functions. Let me know ...
1. git clone https://github.com/flyskywhy/aliyun-oss-react-native.git 2. cd Example 3. npm install step-2:start local auth server and modify the URL in initWithServerSTS function of Example/App.js,Server address must begin with ip,of cource you can refer to the scrpts folder we pro...
Upon further Googling, it seemed that the real reason we have npm and npx is because sometimes we want to quickly execute a package without installing it such that we execute its latest version. Examples being the packages that setup projects. I see but then there is an additional kicker, w...
#use`cd`to go to the right directory and then run mkdir swc_project cd swc_project#initialize a package.json npm init#install swc coreaswellasits cli tool npm i-D@swc/core@swc/cli By running this, we now have both the SWC core as well as the CLI.The core packagewill help us in...
npm install --save-dev eslint Once installed, we’ll set up some basic rules to run our code against usingeslint. Run the following to start a wizard: eslint --init I’d suggest choosing “Answer questions about your style” and answering the questions it asks. This will generate a ne...
Serverless architecture to virus scan objects in Amazon S3.. Latest version: 2.8.25, last published: 6 months ago. Start using @davidmwhynot/cdk-serverless-clamscan in your project by running `npm i @davidmwhynot/cdk-serverless-clamscan`. There are no ot
npm install @flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas --save Android Add below into /android/settings.gradle include ':android:gcanvas_library' project(':android:gcanvas_library').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../node_modules/@flyskywhy/react-native-gcanvas/android/gcanvas_library') ...
Semantic versioning: https://blog.npmjs.org/post/162134793605/why-use-semver Get set up with LogRocket's modern error tracking in minutes: Visit https://logrocket.com/signup/ to get an app ID Install LogRocket via npm or script tag. LogRocket.init() must be called client-side, not serv...
Configure Babel to use those presets and plugins.This moves to your home directory to create the folder.cd && mkdir babel_example && cd $_ CopyIf you don’t want it there, cd somewhere else.npm init CopyHit ENTER a bunch of times …npm install --save-dev babel-cli babel-pres...