Sign up for free Learn about Pro Bring the best of open source to you, your team, and your company Relied upon by more than 17 million developers worldwide, npm is committed to making JavaScript development elegant, productive, and safe. The free npm Registry has become the center of JavaS...
Default: "~/.npm-init.js" Type: Path DEPRECATED: Use --init-module instead.Alias for --init-moduleinit.versionDefault: "1.0.0" Type: SemVer string DEPRECATED: Use --init-version instead.Alias for --init-versiononlyDefault: null Type: null, "prod", or "production" DEPRECATED: Use --...
Values in the rotation are measured in degrees respectively for X, Y and Z axis. The capability is available since the driver version 3.6.0. App Signing Capability NameDescription appium:useKeystore Whether to use a custom keystore to sign the app under test. false by default, which means ...
Default: "ISC" Type: String DEPRECATED: Use --init-license instead.Alias for --init-licenseinit.moduleDefault: "~/.npm-init.js" Type: Path DEPRECATED: Use --init-module instead.Alias for --init-moduleinit.versionDefault: "1.0.0" Type: SemVer string DEPRECATED: Use --init-version ...
# 全局指令如 npm init 这种,需要设置 $ corepack prepare yarn@x.y.z--activate # 也支持代理方式,类似 npx 执行远程包 $ corepack yarn@2.1.0install 小结:对于大部分开发者来说,基本上无感,原来怎么用还怎么用,只是无需特意全局安装对应的包管理器了。
E:\HBuilderSpace\vue\webpack>npm init -y Wrote to E:\HBuilderSpace\vue\webpack\package.json: {"name":"webpack","version":"1.0.0","description":"","main":"index.js","scripts": {"test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},"keywords": [],"author":"","license"...
E:\HBuilderSpace\vue\webpack>npm init -y Wrote to E:\HBuilderSpace\vue\webpack\package.json: {"name":"webpack","version":"1.0.0","description":"","main":"index.js","scripts": {"test":"echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 1"},"keywords": [],"author":"","license"...
$ cnpm init name:@hd/helloworld version:1.0.0 上述配置name的@hd要跟index.js配置中的一致,如下 // registry scopes, if don't set, means do not support scopesscopes:['@hd'], scopes配置值是数组,可以配置多个,可以用于私有包的分组管理,如公司级用@hd,部门级用@hdit等 ...
npm init -y ln -s /tmp/symlinked node_modules . npm install lodash Environment OS: Ubuntu 20.04.1 Node: 16.7 npm: 7.21.0 GrumpyLittleTed added Bugthing that needs fixing Needs Triageneeds review for next steps Release 7.xwork is associated with a specific npm 7 release ...
NEW FEATURE: GIT DEPS ANDnpm init <pkg>! Another exciting change that came withnpm@6was the newnpm initcommand that allows for community-authored generators. That means you can, for example, donpm init react-appand it'll one-off download, install, and runcreate-react-appfor you, without...