RFID tags or labels on pallets, cylinders, RPCs (reusable plastic containers) and other shipping containers can be automatically read at the dock door as they leave with an outgoing shipment. By matching the reading with specific shipment information in a database, manufacturers can automatically bu...
Each of those machines also does a set of RPCs (the second row), those do more RPCs (the third row), and there's a fourth row that's not shown because the graph has so much going on that it looks like noise. This is one quite normal type of workload for a datacenter, and ...
No, Nvidia Image Scaling is a separate thing. It doesn't require RTX cards like DLSS does, and it can work at the driver level, without game support. Though, Nvidia did release an SDK for it, so devs can integrate it natively into their games as well, if they want to. It's closer...
), and got set straight by the large and vocal XSLT user community on why this is not going to fly. While it may be true in some abstract way that XQuery or XLinq might logically be able to do everything that XSLT does, as a practical matter it won't. Most obviously, XSLT a "...
It's still a work in progress not a real standard; it's close to a W3C Recommendation, but real-world acceptance, understanding of best practices, and validation of its design decisions is some years in the future at best XQuery has no standard insert / update / delete sub-language. It...