#15816 maybe fix StatusCode404's problem, but not OP's SHA256_DIGEST_LENGTH problem. Author Shoegzer commented Jul 21, 2024 @oltolm: rpcs3/build/3rdparty/wolfssl/wolfssl/wolfssl/options.h: options.h.zip (zipped since GH does't permit uploading files with .h extensions) The only refer...
Ok, I identified that second one already and pushed the fix to my gtx900 branch. I also added a bunch of guard-rails hoping to catch the first one. So you should pull gtx900 branch and try to cause the crash again. This time you won't even need the validation layers, let's see ...
I had the same problem with save, delete user save folder dev_hdd0/home/00000001/savedata/BCES00510_USERDATA fix it, and use autosave Contributor kd-11 commented Jan 17, 2022 Is this still a problem? Does rpcs3 crash when strict mode is set to false with the latest master build? I ...
Please do not ask for help or report compatibility regressions here, use RPCS3 Discord server or forums instead. Quick summary The game crashes when starting the Wonderland boss fight. The cutscene goes as normal but ends with a black sc...
Vulkan API call failed with unrecoverable error: Device lost (Driver crashed with unspecified error or stopped responding and recovered) (VK_ERROR_DEVICE_LOST) (in file D:\a\1\s\rpcs3\Emu\RSX\VK\vkutils\sync.cpp:200[:5],infunctionwait_for_event)(e=0x0000007e[126]) (in file D:\a\...
Issue#1: I'm getting this error which I am unable go past intro logo screen while OGL makes go ingame. Issue#2: Graphical issues NFS Rivals, therefore WCB enabled fixes it. Thus harder to run which game freezes loading screen before "sta...
Missing Light (rsx/fp: Fix precision clamping on MAD instruction #8243) - Incorrect Shadows (5, Ishin, 0 and Kiwi) This is not an issue. Yakuza 3, 4, 5, Dead Souls, Ishin, 0 and Kiwami Random Freezing/Crash These games tend to crash without any log output. On my system enabling...