All fruits contain fiber, but some types provide more than others. When trying to boost fiber and control carbs and calories, think of fresh or frozen unsweetened berries. The standard portion size for berries is one cup compared to 1/2 cup for other fruits. You'll find this larger portion...
healthy food is boring, bland, and does not taste like what they want it to. There could be a number of reasons for why this happens, but one that stands out is the current state of our flavor palates. In the last century, we’ve seen...
spraying on a layer of cooking spray, melting a tablespoon of butter, or rendering a dollop of lard. While these oils and fats make food taste richer and more satisfying, they are hidden with extra calories that most of us don’t need. Here are my...
The Food Pleasure Equation postulates that the brain has the ability to quantify the pleasure contained in an eating experience as performed by certain dopamine neurons in the brain and the sensing of calories by the gut. When you have a food choice, the brain actually calculates how much ...
The now-hot gluten issue is confabulated with people who are eating just plain too many calories and too much grain. If you watch US teens and kids these days many appear to be addicted to the various “chip” snacks like Cheetos/Takis, read the bag on this stuff and it should have ...