When the Muslims go to Al-Masjid Al-Haram in Makkah, they perform Tawaf (circumambulation round the Ka`bah). This act symbolizes the belief and worship of One God, since, just as every circle has one centre, so also there is only one Allah (Exalted is He) worthy of worship. ...
The sighting of a new crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan, a time for piety and self-reflection.
we find peacetogetherin our connection - Non-Muslims don't get this. Our prophet, peace be upon him, lead his wife in salat,even though he lived connected to the mosque. He told usNOTto make our homes likegrave yards(grave yards we don't do salalt). We must offer some...
Another reason of alcohol being unlawful for Muslims is its harmful effects on body and mind. Allah has forbidden everything for us that harm our mind, body and saps of strength. Everything that harms the man is nor permitted in Islam. As mentioned in Quran, “And do not kill yourselves...
Sunnis who see these signs from the Quran and Sunnah and continue to reject Islam in favor of Sunni'ism can no longer be considered Muslims (imo). There are certain requirements for being a Muslim, and among them are believing in and following the Quran 100% and obeying the Prophet of ...
and who taught even male imams in Damascus. It is a shame that when women are leading prayers in mixed congregations in other parts of the world, in Sri Lanka even working Muslim women are not allowed to attend mosques to perform their daily prayers.This is another battle awaiting Muslim ...
It is a term developed later amongst Muslims. Linguistically, the word “Tarawih” is the plural of the word ‘tarwiha’referring to the short period of rest between every four units of the prayer. Later, the entire congregational prayers in the nights of Ramadan were called by this term. ...
Though I’ve never been a big Glen Beck fan, I do feel for him as he did attempt to bring some truth to light. I also think he did open his eyes to 9/11 truth and though couldn’t say anything on air about it…it lead to his programing of exposure. I also think GB will ...
Most parents were either Christians or Muslims. In keeping with their religious beliefs, parents often attributed ACE-related conditions, such as sleep disturbance and addictive or maladaptive behaviours in children, to evil spirits or witchcraft. Many parents responded to these complex conditions ...
(morning prayers for muslims) were screamed world wide. Ethiopia is mentioned more than 40 times in the Bible and other sacred books. It has the world’s hottest place human can inhabit at Afar region (geographically unstable part where tourists in pursuit of adventures may see a stock in)....