At age 69, my doctor friend calls me ‘Mr. Natural’ and I do trust him, but only for certain procedures, and I take a baby aspirin, that’s it, nothing else. The best advice is knowledge and discipline – applied from learning about natural ways, since we mostly imagine we need Gov...
The sighting of a new crescent moon marks the start of Ramadan, a time for piety and self-reflection.
Why Muslims do not drink Alcoholic Islam is called the “Deen-ul-Fitrah” or the natural religion of man and all the rulings’ commandments mentioned in Quran are aimed at preserving the natural state of human beings. In the same way, the haram and halal things mentioned in Quran are for...
Sunnis who see these signs from the Quran and Sunnah and continue to reject Islam in favor of Sunni'ism can no longer be considered Muslims (imo). There are certain requirements for being a Muslim, and among them are believing in and following the Quran 100% and obeying the Prophet of ...
, after independence, given legislative format in 1951, which in course of time, has become a misogynous instrument of injustice and suppression to Muslim women. Apart from certain marginal changes in the implementation of the act the substance of it remained almost intact since colonial times....
In fact, His Holiness, Pope Paul IV's infallible document Cum ex Apostolatus Officio (1559 A.D.) instructs Catholics: "... to avoid them [False Shepherds] as warlocks, heathens, publicans, and heresiarchs...". Thus in today’s terribly trying times, a True Catholic must doubly pray...
Temperament: Understanding Why You Act the Way You Do By Precious OlalereAug 27, 2020 Review of the Album Called "the Ultimate Sin" by Ozzy Osbourne By Ara Vahanian13 hours ago The Simpsons 17 Predictions for 2024 Is Insane! By Aboah OkyereDec 19, 2024 ...
My family is muslims. I questioned about islam since the day i understand the meaning of Quran. Atheist Republic is like a hope for me to be completely myself. Yes i am still hiding for my own security - Ave ~ I don't know where to start! You give me hope I guess would be the...
I have never been a real fan of Beck, he’s been behind the times when it comes to some things, but from time to time he connected. But I do agree he’s perhaps come to the light. I find his association with Pastor Hagee is a bit troubling, but he has indeed exposed the elite...
Why Muslims don’t do drugs All intoxicants were madeharaamin Islam’s religious scripture at different times over a period of years. Over the years, the list of intoxicating substances has come to include more modern street drugs and the like. But some plants with intoxicating effects such ...