When the Prophet (saw) arrived in Jerusalem, he met and led the past Prophets in prayer at Al Masjid Al Aqsa before embarking on the Miraaj to the Heavens. The journey of Israa was so significant that Allah revealed verses about it in the Holy Quran:“Glorified be He [Allah] Who took...
When the prayer is performed in congregation, it cultivates brotherhood, equality and humility between Muslims. The worshippers stand in rows, shoulder to shoulder, without any distinction of race, nationality, colour, wealth, family or status, and all pray together as one body. This act of uni...
PLACE OF WORSHIP Muslims are obligated to pray five times a day. Mosques are the place where the Muslims gather and perform their obligatory prayers. They can perform their obligatory and supererogatory prayer there. Additionally, Mosques are a peaceful space for Muslims where they can worship ALLA...
For Muslims worldwide, beginning the solemn trip of Hajj and Umrah has great spiritual significance. The preparation of pilgrims for this life-changing journey is crucial, and education is key. Data from the GMTI 2022 research on the Next Phase of the Muslim Travel Market show rising demand ...
Muslims believe that performing good deeds helps cancel their sins. The faith proscribes many potential good deeds, from faithful prayer to alms-giving. But mere good deeds are not enough. In order for them to count toward salvation, these actions must be accompanied by the sincere desire to ...
Likewise, the teaching of Arabic is equally a priority for those who wish to impartIslamic knowledgeto others. This is especially the case when the student is young. The only reason of this is that the Arabic language is the language of our religion. TheQuranwas revealed in Arabic.Allahsays...
of the Holy Prophet was not, as is generally supposed, a thing of which the need may have been felt only after his death, for it was very much needed in his lifetime. The two most important religious institutions of Islam are Prayer and Zakat; yet when the injunction relating to Prayer...
giving a special place to the Temple Mount (Haram al Sharif), especially due to the presence of the Al-Aqsa Mosque there, as Awla Al-Qiblatayn (the first direction of prayer before Mecca); Thani Masjidayn (the second mosque after Mecca) and Isra' and Mi'raj (the place from which the...
Nawawi said,“It is not permissible to accept the testimony of only one upright (Muslim) in the sighting of the moon for Shawwal (ie Eid ul-Fitr), this is the position of the majority of the scholars except Abu Thawr”[7] Source: Ramadhan al-Mubarak Ke Fadhail Wa Ahkam(pg.10-12)...
That the original composers of the discipline of legal theory were the Sunnī Muslims, and that the first Shīʿī author in the discipline was Ibn Junayd – who even acted upon analogical reasoning. That there is no need for the discipline of legal...