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In Islam, Muslims have to fulfil five obligatory duties bestowed upon them —Shahadah(profession of faith),Salat(prayer),Siam(fasting),Zakat(charity), andHajj(pilgrimage). As you see, fasting is one of the five pillars of belief for all Muslims. And, fasting is obligatory during the month ...
I also think there are far bigger and more important things to worry about than praying there. Leave it alone and maybe someday, Israel will be a safer and quieter place and we can all worship wherever we...
Very important, they want to kill you! Read this: @ Ask google for: “Jane Bürgermeister” John August 13, 2009 @ 8:01 pm Hi, Thank You for your work. There is a (Delphi facilitated?) Town Meeting in the Frisco area to wit: Sen Mic...
These cases clearly demonstrate failed cross-cultural communication. Even if you don’t recognize yourself in them (hopefully), it’s critically important to improve your cross-cultural communication skills (verbal and nonverbal). FYI, we’re stepping into the era ofmulticulturalism. So, let’s ...
"...Verily, Allah has decreed to purify you, O' Ahlul Bayt, and sanctify you in a perfect way" Sunni rebuttal: "No! It's taken out of context, it's only talking about the wives of the Prophet (pbuh)!" Firstly, it is important to note that nowhere in this Ayah are the wives ...
This is why I hate intellectuals Featured Goodbye I started writing here in 2011. I stopped in 2021. Ten years is quite a long time. A child born when I began this thing is now ready to start emerging out of childhood, to start noticing other people in different ways, to start reading...
The millennia old connection between the land of Israel (Judea) and the Jewish people is the foundation of the right of Jews to own land in Israel, to work and build a state there. Establishing such a connection is the focus of this chapter; we present h
There was a lot of soul searching on the part of the Muslims. Leemage/Corbis via Getty Images Saladin’s forces recapture Jerusalem from the crusaders, 1187. If the crusaders’ mandate was to reclaim the Holy Land and regain control of important Christian sites like Jerusalem, what was the ...
Below is a very fancymezuzah, a container affixed to doorways in Jewish homes, each containing aklaf, a piece of parchment on which there’s verse from theTorah (see above). The scroll itself is a lot more important than the container, and, if prepared in the kosher way,can cost a lo...