A crazy twenty one year old Thai chick reminded why I pay for sex. She did that by almost forcing her pussy onto my cock. Today I’ll tell you how it all went down. Hopefully you’ll see where I am coming from when I say I honestly prefer to transactional sex in a lot of cases...
It held for a second then suddenly let go. I already had one leg hanging out, sitting on the edge of the seat so lost my balance and kind of tumbled/butt scooted out of the car. Tried to pretend I was looking for something on the ground but somehow lost my flip flop trying to ...
So I did what I do when my tortoise shits when I’m out of the apartment and then spends hours walking through it and tracking it across everything, including the walls somehow—I rolled up my sleeves, took a deep breath, whispered, “Be a man, Tim,” and started scraping through ...
Steve would call the Vision Pro a “hobby,” just as he did with the original Apple TV. You know I’m correct about this. And the fact that Apple hasn’t gone for the H-word and no other writers are suggesting it is the topic of this column, not the Vision Pro, itself....
Sieger only did the really dramatic roll in a scent once, when he was about four months old. We were out walking in the woods on a hot (80-90 degree) August day and he suddenly flung himself into the brush along the trail. In apparent ecstasy, he rolled vigorously into whatever was ...
I did quite a lot of dog-to-dog desensitization sessions with Sephy, when he was young, at our local SPCA. The trainers there had many balanced, friendly dogs, that we could do training with. First, the trainer would engage the other dog in training exercises, so that he stays in a ...
I also begin the process of unveiling the psychological roots of our dilemma. Being a depth psychotherapist as well as a student of culture across all time periods informed my conclusions, shaped them, and took me to visions of possible futures that I did not expect. For all we have done ...