READ MORE: Why Do Dogs Spin In Circles Before Pooping? Dogs have what is known as the "Jacobson's organ." It is located in the roof of their mouths and used to gather all sorts of information from unfamiliar humans including mood, health issues, sex and even age in some cases....
I am currently expecting my third child, and I used disposables with my previous two. I have always wanted to use cloth due to the environmental impact, but thanks to my humongous pile of laundry, I dismissed it without looking into it. This time, I decided to do my research – cloth ...
I don’t run with these things because I’m planning to use them. I run with them because I’ve learned to be prepared. And like the “Mad Pooper,” I, too, have been known to shimmy out of my spandex so I can relieve myself in places I would really rather not relieve myself....
Perhaps you’ve always wondered,why does my dog bite my feet when I get home? Well, you could be dealing with a case of separation anxiety. Other common symptoms of separation anxiety include escaping, pacing, excessive chewing, andpooping/peeing in inappropriate places. ...
I think the worse has to be pig poo. It absolutely stinks! And it is seemingly impossible to get off too. And why oh why do dogs who love jumping with gay abandon into muddy dykes and festering pools of water look like you are leading them into a torture chamber when you say ‘bath...
“Mommy, look! I’m pooping in the toilet!” Pause… “Mommy…it’s long. Like the very hungry poopy calerpitter” (Caterpillar for those who don’t speak toddlerish). “Mommy! I pooped a calerpitter!!!”. So for the rest of the day, she’s been proudly telling people she pooped...