Ladybugs are pulling a fast one on us. If they were black, we wouldn’t like them. They’d be icky, small beetles. But humans are a cheap audience, and dressing up like a clown has done the trick and made them likable to humans. A big strike against them is that they do have st...
3.Bees and butterflies help plants grow, but what are some other ways in which invertebrates are helpful? Spiders catch pests such as flies in their webs to eat; ladybugs and praying mantises eat insects which harm plants; many invertebrates are important food sources for animals and people; ...
Although asparagus is not native to the US, ladybugs have no problems using it as habitat. BENEFICIAL NON-NATIVE HERBS: Parsley, dill, sage, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, bay leaf and curry tree are all non-native spices and culinary herbs that I grow right in my garden. Some ...
These are the very kind and infuriating things people have said to me over and over again since my mom died in 2012. I needed to believe that this would be true. That as she was dying in hospice, it would all be ok because I would always feel her presence; I would obviously receive...
Cats are also excellent hunters of insects, keeping your home safe from moths, houseflies, and other creepy crawlies (be warned, however; some types of bugs aren’t very tasty to cats. Your cat probably won’t do much to keep ladybugs out of your home.) ...
Planting beds will be fertilised with White House compost and crab meal from the Chesapeake Bay.I love local details. That’s what make gardens special, and lawns boring. So the thought of crab meal from the local bay coming to the South Lawn is a thrilling development. The rest of us ...