Ladybugs are pulling a fast one on us. If they were black, we wouldn’t like them. They’d be icky, small beetles. But humans are a cheap audience, and dressing up like a clown has done the trick and made them likable to humans. A big strike against them is that they do have st...
Many cultures viewladybugsas lucky, and a great deal of superstition surrounds these small and stylishly outfitted insects. As often happens with superstition, it is actually a bit difficult to determine why ladybugs came to be viewed as lucky. One interesting thing about ladybug superstitions is...
Why do insects come inside your house in the fall, and what can you do to keep them out? Your House Isn't Just KeepingYouWarm Differentinsectshave different ways ofsurviving the winter. Many adult insects die off when frost arrives, but leave eggs behind to start next year's population. ...
Although asparagus is not native to the US, ladybugs have no problems using it as habitat. BENEFICIAL NON-NATIVE HERBS: Parsley, dill, sage, oregano, thyme, rosemary, lemon balm, bay leaf and curry tree are all non-native spices and culinary herbs that I grow right in my garden. Some ...
And while that statistic may immediately conjure up horror-movie images of maggots and swarms of mosquitoes, take comfort in this: Butterflies are bugs too, as are rolly pollies and those friendly little ladybugs. Above all, take comfort in the fact that you are many times larger than the ...
Niko’s toys are in the living room. He likes playing at night. His favourite toy is his small blue ball. David:Is there anything else I should know?Mary: He loves being brushed. Try to brush his fur every night. That’s all you need to know. ...
have wondered about is sheer curiosity. Fireflies are becoming an attraction in some areas of the world, and the researchers say it's time to create guidelines for best practices. In China, firefly pupae were brought into an urban park to re-establish a colony of the beetles there. ...
Far from simply adding to the aphid problem in your garden, these nettles will in fact lead to their ultimate demise, because those trusty ladybugs and their larvae will be there to snaffle them up. And ladybugs don’t just enjoy aphids for their meal – they’ll also make short work of...
Everything is a psyop, it is tough to know how much to believe, and I do not have time to research this myself, but this writer claims to have looked for records of Kash’s new squeeze’s parents, and found there were no records in places where there should have been, and she mig...
Cats are also excellent hunters of insects, keeping your home safe from moths, houseflies, and other creepy crawlies (be warned, however; some types of bugs aren’t very tasty to cats. Your cat probably won’t do much to keep ladybugs out of your home.) ...