Ladybugs are pulling a fast one on us. If they were black, we wouldn’t like them. They’d be icky, small beetles. But humans are a cheap audience, and dressing up like a clown has done the trick and made them likable to humans. A big strike against them is that they do have st...
There was also a woodpecker pecking on the house. Ess it her? I told it to go away. did I tell mom to go away? What about reincarnation? Has she been reborn, is that why she’s ignoring me? I dreamed of her once pushing a bassinet around, I tried to talk to her but she ignor...
Cats are also excellent hunters of insects, keeping your home safe from moths, houseflies, and other creepy crawlies (be warned, however; some types of bugs aren’t very tasty to cats. Your cat probably won’t do much to keep ladybugs out of your home.) ...
And ladybugs don’t just enjoy aphids for their meal – they’ll also make short work of whitefly, spider mites and other pests too! Nettles are endlessly useful in the garden and in the kitchen too Nutritious Nettles Nettles are a great ingredient to cook with. To pick them you’ll...