全基因组重测序(Whole Genome Resequencing):是利用高通量测序平台对有参考基因组序列物种的不同个体或群体的基因 …www.novogene.cn|基于9个网页 2. 全基因组重定序 全基因组重定序 (Whole Genome Resequencing) ,即对已知基因组序列的物种进行基因组定序,主要目的是研究在同一物种下…www.tri-ibiotech.com.tw...
Whole-genome resequencing: changing the paradigms of SNP detection, molecular mapping and gene discovery. Mol Breeding. 2015;35:33.Xu, X., and Bai, G. (2015). Whole-genome resequencing: changing the paradigms of SNP detection, molecular mapping and gene discovery. Mol. Breed. 35:33. doi:...
始终以“解析序列,诠释生命”作为企业理念,秉承“立足客户需要,满足个性需求”的服务宗旨,专业提供动植物基因组测序、微生物基因组测序、宏基因组测序、RNA测序、简化基因组及外显子捕获等技术服务。 动植物基因组重测序(Whole-genome resequencing of plants and animals) 基因组重测序是对已知基因组序列物种的个体进行...
始终以“解析序列,诠释生命”作为企业理念,秉承“立足客户需要,满足个性需求”的服务宗旨,专业提供动植物基因组测序、微生物基因组测序、宏基因组测序、RNA测序、简化基因组及外显子捕获等技术服务。 微生物基因组重测序(whole-genome resequencing of microorganism) 一、技术路线 推荐平台:Illumina MiSeq、Illumina HiS...
全基因组重测序(Whole Genome Resequencing)简介 全基因组重测序是对基因组序列已知的个体进行全基因组范围的测序,并在个体或群体水平上进行差异性分析的方法。随着基因组测序成本的不断降低,人类疾病的致病突变研究由外显子区域扩大到全基因组范围,通过构建全基因组文库,实现在全基因组水平上检测疾病关联的常见、...
Unlike focused approaches such as exome sequencing or targeted resequencing, which analyze a limited portion of the genome, whole-genome sequencing delivers a comprehensive view of the entire genome. It is ideal for discovery applications, such as identifying causative variants and novel genome assembly...
The extensive utilization of whole-genome resequencing (WGRS) technology in livestock and poultry breeding has significantly contributed to delineating genetic relationships and admixture levels among populations. This technology serves as a crucial tool for investigating selectively advantageous genes linked to...
KEY MESSAGE:A whole-genome resequencing-derived SNP dataset identified six quantitative trait loci (QTL) significantly associated with colonization of soybean by an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus (Rhizophagus intraradices). Candidate genes identified in these QTL regions include homologs to known nodulin ...
Kawahara-Miki R, Tsuda K, Shiwa Y, Arai-Kichise Y, Matsumoto T, Kanesaki Y, Oda S, Ebihara S, Yajima S, Yoshikawa H, Kono T. Whole-genome resequencing shows numerous genes with nonsynonymous SNPs in the Japanese native cattle Kuchinoshima-Ushi. BMC Genomics. 2011; 12 :103....