of genetic polymorphisms in rapeseed determined by resequencing a worldwide collection of 991 germplasm accessions.A total of 5.56 and 5.53 million singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) as well as 1.86 and 1.92 million InDels were identified by mapping reads to the reference genomes of "Darmor-bzh"...
Chen N., Cai Y., Chen Q. et al. (2018) Whole-genome resequencing reveals world-wide ancestry and adaptive introgression events of domesticated cattle in east Asia. Nature Communications 9, 2337.Chen N., Cai Y., Chen Q., Li R., Wang K., Huang Y., Hu S., Huang S., Zhang H.,...
orientalis), to characterize population genetic structure and genomic diversity at the genome-wide level and to elucidate the genome-wide genetic mechanisms involved in the wild-to-domesticated process. Population genetic effects of important candidate genes were validated using phenotypic data of a Hu ...
Pauline A. van Schouwenburg, Emma E. Davenport (2015) Application of whole genome and RNA sequencing to investigate the genomic landscape of common variable immunodeficiency disorders. Clinical Immunology, 160 (2), 301–314 图1:CIVD病人与正常人的差异表达基因分析 图2: CIVD病人间的变异基因overlap...
全基因组重测序(Whole Genome Resequencing)简介 全基因组重测序是对基因组序列已知的个体进行全基因组范围的测序,并在个体或群体水平上进行差异性分析的方法。随着基因组测序成本的不断降低,人类疾病的致病突变研究由外显子区域扩大到全基因组范围,通过构建全基因组文库,实现在全基因组水平上检测疾病关联的常见、...
Whole-genome resequencing reveals world-wide ancestry and adaptive introgression events of domesticated cattle in East Asia Cattle domestication and the complex histories of East Asian cattle breeds warrant further investigation. Through analysing the genomes of 49 modern breeds and eight East Asian ancient...
动植物基因组重测序(Whole-genome resequencing of plants and animals)-派森诺生物 www.personalbio.cn始终以“解析序列,诠释生命”作为企业理念,秉承“立足客户需要,满足个性需求”的服务宗旨,专业提供动植物基因组测序、微生物基因组测序、宏基因组测序、RNA测序、简化基因组及外显子捕获等技术服务。
派森诺生物www.personalbio.cn始终以“解析序列,诠释生命”作为企业理念,秉承“立足客户需要,满足个性需求”的服务宗旨,专业提供动植物基因组测序、微生物基因组测序、宏基因组测序、RNA测序、简化基因组及外显子捕获等技术服务。 微生物基因组重测序(whole-genome resequencing of microorganism) ...
In contrast, Botrytis cinerea is a sexually reproducing, true haploid ascomycete that can infect a wide range of diverse plant hosts. While previous work had shown significant genomic variation between two isolates, we proceeded to assess the level and frequency of standing variation in a population...
首先是测序结果的统计。共产生了约4.1 Tb的全基因组测序数据,平均深度约为15.5x,对V. viniferareference genome 的比对率为97.4 ± 4.6%,估计错误率为0.02 ± 0.01%。主要accession全部染色体的基因组覆盖率超过80%。 图1 在472个葡萄属种质中鉴定出的基因组变异的摘要。a葡萄基因组所有染色体上SNP密...