inp_pwd =input("请输入密码:")ifinp_name == usernameandinp_pwd == password:print("登陆成功")whileTrue:# 第二层循环cmd =input('>>: ')ifcmd =='quit':break# 用于结束本层循环,即第二层循环print('run <%s>'% cmd)break# 用于结束本层循环,即第一层循环else:print("输入的用户名或密码错误!
call the multiple .sql files through Batch script Calling the same function multiple times in the same SELECT statement Can a [non primary key] be referenced as [foriegn key] in other table? Can a uniqueidentifier have a default value? can I access function on remote server through linked se...
Python while循环是一种迭代结构,它会在满足指定条件的情况下重复执行一段代码块。当条件为真时,代码块会一直执行,直到条件变为假或者循环被中断。 在定义的时间段后未终止的情况下,可能有以下几...
JavScript中的循环 while:while循环能重复执行动作,直到特定条件语句为true。 for循坏由4部分组成。...4.更新(update):循环里的负责更新每一轮循环的循环变量。...具体组成: for(Init;Test;Update) { Action; } while循环由两个不同部分组成: 1.测试条件(Test Condition) 2.行动(Action) while(Test...数组...
Re: MACH3 Locks up in WHILE (IsMoving()) loop « Reply #8 on: January 01, 2012, 08:30:25 AM » My script runs fine if I run it from a button script. It seems that I/O doesn't work well when executed from the VB editor, I am sure everybody but me knew that, but ...
c# Save The Cmd output into txt file or open to Notepad ? C# SAX openXML how write decimal cell with the right format? C# Scan String in Memory of Process c# script to check SQL server Service Status C# script to open email attachment(.msg) in a folder and download attachment. C# sea...
I am trying to create a CUI like application in powershell script. Like showing around 7 options each mapped to a numeral character. A prompt is presented and the admin can type the ...
1.2. 实例: 对于打印从1到5的例子,可以使用while循环可以这样写: public class WhileLoop1 { public static void main(String args[]) { int i = 1; while (i <= 5) { System.out.prin 分享回复赞 计算机毕业设计吧 so_mad Java While语句while循环在其控制条件为真时重复语句或块。 Java while循环 ...
shell脚本之循环语句for,while,until用法的详解 关于Linux中循环语句for,while,until用法的详解 for,while,until这些循环结构体在Linux的script中是使用非常多的,所以掌握他们的用法是很必要的,以下是我整理的关于这三个命令的一些用法,希望对需要的人有帮助。 一、for循环 结构一 : 结构二: 练习提高......
We have EEM script and IP SLA config in place but when we are trying to test the failover (wan interface goes down on active router), the script didn’t auto-triggered, and failover doesn’t happen on the backup circuit, and it got aborted as we checked on history events. Could you...