One of the many scripting constructs is the loop. A loop is a section of code that picks up data or generates data and then performs some operation on the data and then begins the process over again until some condition is met, the script is disrupted, or when input data is exhausted. ...
WHILE loop - read line of a file one by one, I'm using a "while" loop within a shell script (BASH) to read line of a file (one by one) -- "Fortunately", its not working the No. of times the file has lines in it. Here's the summary: $ cat inputfile.txt Utilizing For L...
< "$filename": It instructs the loop to use the file stored in the $filename variable. And if you were to use the same script, you can expect the following: Like you, there are special variables too! Did you know that there are special variables in bash? Yep, there are 9 types...
今晚在《高级bash+脚本编程指南》中看到使用for和while循环语句赋值变量的脚本,觉得很有创意。。 从循环的输出中产生一个变量###StartScript###1#!/bin/bash2# 从循环的输出中产生一个变量.34variable1=`foriin123455do6echo-n"$i"# 对于这里的命令替换来说7done`#+ 这个'echo'命令是非常关...
我目前在Linux上的项目是创建一个脚本,它有三个选项:是的、否的和错误的输入。最后一个选项将导致脚本返回问题,但使用我当前的方法,甚至"yes“选项也会返回到原来的语句。我真搞不懂怎么才能解决这个问题。我的意思是剧本的这一部分: while true; do read -p "Do you want to run the script now? (Y/N...
Shell编程中循环命令用于特定条件下决定某些语句重复执行的控制方式,有三种常用的循环语句:for、while和until。while循环和for循环属于“当型循环”,而until属于“直到型循环”。循环控制符:break和continue控制流程转向。参考:《Linux 与unix shell 编
Explanation of the above shell script The true keyword turns the while loop into an infinite loop sincethe exit statusor condition to be checked by the while loop will always literally be true. This is followed by the “; operator” which is useful toconcatenating/chaining commands in Linux/...
When executed, this script displays the following: 当执行的时候,这个脚本显示如下信息: [me@linuxbox ~]$ while-count 1 2 3 4 5 Finished. The syntax of thewhilecommand is: while 命令的语法是: while commands; do commands; done Likeif,whileevaluates the exit status of a list of commands. ...
* break 是结束 loop * return 是结束 function * exit 是结束 script/shell 而continue 则与 break 相反:强迫进入下一次循环动作。若你理解不来的话,那你可简单的看成:在 continue 到 done 之间的句子略过而返回循环顶端...与 break 相同的是:continue 后面也可指定一个数值 n ,以决定继续哪一层(从里向...
While Loops in Bash The while loop is another popular and intuitive loop you can use in bash scripts. The general syntax for abash while loopis as follows: while [ condition ]; do [COMMANDS] done For example, the following3x10.shscript uses a while loop that will print the first ten ...