Loops in Unix You may use different loops based on the situation. They are: #1) Unix For loop statement Example:This program will add 1+2+3+4+5 and the result will be 15 for i in 1 2 3 4 5 do sum=`expr $sum + $i` done echo $sum #2) Unix While loop statement Example:Thi...
您可以使用@来计算算术表达式,例如@ x = 2 + 2将$x设置为4;把它作为练习。将算术表达式括在反引...
您可以使用@来计算算术表达式,例如@ x = 2 + 2将$x设置为4;把它作为练习。将算术表达式括在反引...
break是结束loop; return是结束function; exit是结束script/shell; 而continue则与break相反:强迫进入下一次循环动作. 若你理解不来的话,那你可简单的看成: 在continue在done之间的句子略过而返回到循环的顶端... 与break相同的是:continue后面也可以指定一个数值n, 以决定继续哪一层(从里往外计算)的循环, 预设...
Hi, I have a doubt in usage of while loop in Shell script as Iam new to this. My requirement is that,I have two different directories containing some files which move files to other folder after parsi | The UNIX and Linux Forums
Shell编程中循环命令用于特定条件下决定某些语句重复执行的控制方式,有三种常用的循环语句:for、while和until。while循环和for循环属于“当型循环”,而until属于“直到型循环”。循环控制符:break和continue控制流程转向。参考:《Linux 与unix shell 编
ksh script to add multiple lines to csv cell formatting help grazinggoat2 Oct 29, 2022 UNIX Scripting Replies 0 Views 146 Oct 29, 2022 grazinggoat2 Locked Question Nested IF statement with Regex operator in a While loop, Stops the loop 1 boqsc Jan 29, 2020 UNIX Scripting Replie...
Nested loop in Unix Hi, I have the following script which is two while loops, but it is working only for the Inner loop without going back to the outer loop. the aim of this script is to remove data files from memory after each five times for each setting of the rotate parameter #!
所谓的loop就是script中的一段在一定条件下反复执行的代码。 bash shell中常用的loop有如下三种: for while until 1. for loop forloop 是从一个清单列表中读进变量的值, 并依次的循环执行do到done之间的命令行。 例: for var in one two three four five ...
while true; do echo "Running <command> at $(date)"; <command>; sleep <interval in sec> ; done Explanation of the above shell script The true keyword turns the while loop into an infinite loop sincethe exit statusor condition to be checked by the while loop will always literally be tru...