However, the rehabilitation initiatives for adolescents with VI or blindness is based on expert opinions and does not give answer to the expected effect on the different rehabilitation initiatives in relation to participation in an educational setting. The aim of this systematic review was to identify...
Discuss how epidemiology can help to discover the causes of outbreaks of new epidemic diseases, e.g., Ebola Virus Disease. To what extent is it possible to control epidemic diseases without having precise information about their causal agents?
For each ES we determined the operational definition of the exposure variable and classified it within a conceptual category: awareness (eg, recognition of a brand name or logo, ability to name a brand, or expressed awareness of tobacco promotions), advertising exposure (eg, having seen advertisem...
What is a chain of infection? Learn the definition, order, and cycle of the chain of infection. Also, see the different elements and the diagram of this chain. Related to this Question What is the main risk factor for cholera infection?
HYPOTHESIS A hypothesis is a formal tentative statement of the expected relationship between two or more variables understudy. Definition: A hypothesis is an assumption statement about the relationship between two or more variables that suggest an answer to theresearchquestion. OR Goo...
These findings expose a notable under-reporting of COVID-19 cases in Togo, effectively challenging the presumption of a limited viral spread, a consideration applicable not just within Togo, but also concerning the epidemiology of the disease across Africa.Cancer, a leading cause of premature death...
Accordingly, open surgery is often preferred for more severe cases, while the minimally invasive approach is preferred for less severe fractures. However, up to now, there is still disagreement regarding the best approach in the treatment of PHFs, and there is a lack of conclusive evidence ...
In spite of its advantages, the adoption of allo-HCT is restricted by the emergence of graft-versus-host disease (GvHD). The combined actions of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are responsible for both graft-versus-host disease and graft-versus-leukemia responses. The sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor ...
Which branch of biology deals with the study of causative agents of diseases? Fields of biology: The study of the living world, including all types of life forms and their interaction with the non-living components, is termed as biology. Depending upon the type of study, biology...
The human exposome is currently defined elsewhere as the sum of an individual’s lifetime exposure to microbes and chemicals [19]. We suggest that this definition of the human exposome misses vital elements of what matters and the definition could usefully be extended in two related ways: 1) ...